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Fw: AmiBroker 3.99.2 beta released

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Today Yahoo seems to have very long delays so 
once again....
Best regards,Tomasz 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <A 
title=amibroker@xxxx href="">Tomasz Janeczko 
To: <A title=amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 5:08 PM
Subject: AmiBroker 3.99.2 beta released

face="Arial CE">Hello,
A new bug-fix release - 3.99.2 beta is available for download 
the following locations:
face="Arial CE"> 



Best regards,Tomasz 

AmiBroker 3.99 Beta Read Me
April 17, 2002 16:46 
This document discusses a Beta release of AmiBroker. The information in 
this document is provided as-is and is subject to change without notice. No 
formal product support is available for this beta version.
You should be aware of the fact that beta release is not complete software 
and may contain bugs, incompatibilities and other errors. 
IMPORTANT: This archive is update-only. You have to install full 
version 3.90 first. 
Make a BACKUP of the directory where you installed previous (3.90) 
version.Then unpack the beta archive onto this directory. 
Then run AmiBroker. You should see "AmiBroker 3.99 beta" written in the About 
3.99.2 (as compared to 3.99.0)
fixed bug occuring on exit when no document window was open 
double click on ticker tree displays a chart window if no window was open 
Foreign() function does not show error message box if referenced symbol 
does not exits in the database - instead it returns {EMPTY_VAL} 
user text holds on chart again (fix to the bug induced by 3.97) 
caption of weekly bar shows friday as end date in "show bar begin time" 
focus switches back to AFL editor on AFL error in AA/Indicator Builder 
backtester checks if high and low prices are different than zero- 
before trying to adjust buy/sell/short/coverprice arrays to high-low range. In 
normal case this was not the case but if you were backtesting composite equity 
(you should not but...) which has only close array != 0 you got Profit N/A and 
other strange numbers in previous version (this was really user-error, you 
should not include composite equity tickers in the backtest because it makes 
no sense) 
by default AddToComposite function adds new tickers to market 253 (instead 
of 0) now 
fixed bug in handling points-only mode by Equity function 
fixed predefining of BuyPrice/SellPrice/ShortPrice/CoverPrice arrays in 
Ind. Builder 
obsolete controls removed from Preferences/Data tab 
3.99.0 (as compared to 3.98.1)
Equity function has new syntaxSYNTAX:Equity( Flags = 0, RangeType 
= -1, From = 0, To = 0 );whereNEW PARAMETERFlags - defines the 
behaviour of Equity function0 : (default) Equity works as in 3.98 - just 
calculates the equity array1 : works as 0 but additionally updates 
buy/sell/short/cover arrays soall redundant signals are removed exactly as 
it is done internally by the backtesterplus all exits by stops are applied 
so it is now possible to visualise ApplyStop() stops.2 : (advanced) 
works as 1 but updated signals are not moved back to their original 
positionsif buy/sell/short/cover delays set in preferences are 
non-zeroNote: this flag is documented but in 99% of cases should not be 
used in your formula.Other values are reserved for the 
future.RangeType, From, To - arguments as described in 
v3.98Example:Buy = High > Ref( HHV( High, 20 ), -1 );Sell = 
0;ApplyStop( 1, 1, 5, 1 );Equity( 1 );exit is made only by 
apply stop, thanks to new equity(1)you can see sell arrow generated by 
in Automatic analysis window you are now able to display 
buy/sell/short/cover arrows for ALL actual trades (a new option is available 
from right mouse button menu over the result list,and via double click + 
ALT key)
Backtester now reports the type of stop that exited the trade (max loss), 
(profit), (trail) - are added to mark trades that were closed by max. loss 
stop, profit target stop and trailing stop respectively.You can also mark 
your own reasons for exit by assigning numerical valueto sell, cover 
arrays:1 - means normal exit, 2 - max loss, 3- profit target, 4-trailing 
stop,5 - 9 reserved for future use (other types of built-in stops.10 
and above - custom exits labelled by Long (n) or Short(n) where n is a number 
> 10Example:cond1 = Cross( EMA( Close, 20 ), Close );cond2 
= Cross( Signal(), MACD() );Buy = Cross( MACD(), 0 );Sell =IIf( 
cond1, 10, IIf( cond2, 11, 0 ) );
new AFL function:ExRemSpan( Array, NumBars 
)FUNCTION:Removes excessive signals that span NumBars bars since 
initial signal.(In other words first non-zero bar passes through, then all 
subsequent non-zero bars are ignored (zero is returned) until NumBars bars 
have passed since initial signal. From then on a new signal may pass 
through)This function makes easy writing exits after a fixed number of 
bars, for example if you want to sell always 5 bars after the buy you should 
now use combination of ExRemSpan and Ref(). It will work even if initial buy 
array has lots of redundant signals:Buy = 1;Buy = ExRemSpan( Buy, 
5 );Sell = Ref( Buy, -5 );

3.98.1 (as compared to 3.98.0)
fixed "freezing" problem when AmiBroker was re-launched with an empty 
Equity chart 
equity graph is plotted correctly even if your system uses graph/Plot 
previously saved AA settings are restored at the application startup so, 
Equity plots use correct settings without the need to re-open AA 
3.98.0 (as compared to 3.97.1)
Equity() function 
implemented<FONT face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" 
size=-1>SYNTAX:Equity( RangeType = -1, From = 0,To = 0 
);whereRangeType - defines quotations range being 
used:-1 : (default) use range set in the Automatic analysis window0 : 
all quotes1 : n last quotes (n defined by 'From' parameter)2 : n last 
days (n defined by 'From' parameter)3 : From/To datesFrom : 
defines start date (datenum) (when RangeType == 3) or "n" parameter (when 
RangeType == 1 or 2)To: defines end date (datenum) (when RangeType == 3) 
otherwise ignoreddatenum defines date the same way as DateNum() 
function as YYYMMDDwhere YYY is (year - 1900)MM is monthDD is 
dayDecember 31st, 1999 has a datenum of 991231May 21st, 2001 has a 
datenum of 1010521FUNCTION:returns Equity line based on 
buy/sell/short/cover, **price, all apply stops, and all other backtester 
settings.NOTES:All these parameters are evaluated at the 
time of the call of Equity function. Complete equity array is generated at 
once. Changes to buy/sell/short/cover rules made after the call have no 
effect. Equity function can be called multiple times in single 
formula.EXAMPLE USAGE:buy = your buy rule;sell = 
your sell rule;graph0 = Equity();
automatic Equity plot (Automatic Analysis window -> click on Equity 
button (after backtesting)) 
BuyPrice, SellPrice, ShortPrice, CoverPrice, PositionSize variables are 
predefined also in the Indicator Builder (no "undefined identifier" errorin 
AA scan mode displays also short/cover signals now 
Value Label is not displayed when graph has {EMPTY} value 
new graphNstyle value = 4096 - don't draw value label for this graph line 
immediate refresh after bars are received from eSignal plugin 
eSignal plugin now works with afterhours data (FormT) 
new docking windows (supporting multiple windows in one row) + renamed 
window titles 
an option to automatically tile mutliple chart windows 
zoom out toolbar button added 
hourly/intraday periodicity toolbar buttons added 
fixed positionsize handling for short trades it is now checked at short 
signal (not cover as before) 
3.97.1 (as compared to 3.97.0)
value labels do not overlap (greetings to AmiBroker group:-) 
value labels text is written in white or black depending on the brightness 
of the label 
vertical line should be visible much better 
fixed problem with overwriting OHLC price arrays in AFL 
3.97.0 (as compared to 3.95.0)
Realtime Market watch (RT only) window implemented (disabled when data 
plugin is not RT-enabled) + internal improvements for RT handling 
UNDO for Drawing tools implemented (Ctrl+Z, or Edit->Undo) 
StrLeft( string, count ), StrRight( string, count ), StrMid( string, 
start, count ) AFL functions implemented 
improvements to AddToComposite function: 
AddToComposite( array, "artif_ticker", "X", flags = 7 )accepts "X" 
field definition (in addition to regular OHLCVI)"X" means update O,H, 
L, C fields simultaneously
flags parameter is the sum of the following 1 - reset values atthe 
beginning of scan (recommended)2 - put composite ticker into group 253 
and EXCLUDE all other tickers from group 253(avoids adding composite to 
composite)NEW: 4 - put last scan date/time stamp into FullName 
when a AddToComposite() adds a new ticker stock tree is automatically 
when "continuous quotations" box is unchecked - intraday and daily charts 
default to line chart 
candlesticks can be now drawn in 4 different styles - seePreferences - 
Miscellaneous tab "Use distinct color for candlestick...."- the default 
settings gives you "classic" AmiBroker look but I suggest to check all 4 
possibilities because color bars look much better in "Shadows only" mode for 
vertical line separating days in intraday and years in EOD charts is now 
added labels showing the end value of each graph line (to switch off go to 
Preferences - Miscellaneous - "Show value labels") 
new style for graphNstyle variable: 2048 - do not rescale Y axis. 
new database dialog suggests a following path for a new 
database<current working directory>\MyNewDatabase 
time out for slow external COM objects is increased to 10sec (should help 
slow responding TC2000 server)
3.95.0 (as compared to 3.93.1)
new functions in AFL:Weighted Moving Average - WMA( array, periods ) - 
accepts variable periods (array)Double Exponential Moving Average - DEMA( 
array, periods ) - accepts variable periods (array)Triple Exponential 
Moving Average - TEMA( array, periods ) - accepts variable periods 
(array)TimeNum() - returns bar time HHMMSS: 15 hours 23 minutes and 30 
seconds is represented by 152330 Hour(), Minute(), Second() - return bar 
hour, minute and second 
AFL Open/Save As file dialogs remember also file name of the most recently 
saved formula 
Printing directly from AFL editors implemented - right mouse button over 
the formula window then choose "Print" 
no overlaping texts on date axis anymore
selected quotation (vertical line) does not disapear when chart is 
scrolled or refreshed 
price chart now display vertical line dividing days (in intraday modes) 
and years (in daily/weekly/monthly modes) 
Refresh feature fixed (once again) + simultaneous refresh of mutliple 
symbol charts implemented 
Auto-refresh driven by plugin implemented (now only eSignal plugin 
utilises this feature) 
if only it is possible, scroll bar is NOT moved to the last bar after 
chart refresh (but new bars arriving from RT plugin show up :-)) 
Edit->Delete quotation and Edit->Delete session force chart refresh 
AmiBroker now notifies previously used data plugin when user chooses a 
different one or loads the database that uses a different plugin (this allows 
closing internet connections for example) 
when ExitAtStop is switched OFF - max. loss and profit target stops are 
triggered by examining SellPrice/CoverPrice tables instead of 
High/Low(trailing stop worked that way since the beginning) 
trendline properties dialog works correctly also for intraday charts now 
(additional edit boxes for start/end time) 
OLE automation: new method added to Stocks collection:string 
GetTickerList( long type ) (type = -1 - all tickers)- returns comma 
separated ticker list 
fixed problem tha occured with "show current trade arrows" applied to 
intraday charts 
fixed crash that occured when one tried to import empty tickers using 
fixed hangup when displaying charts of values greater than 10^15
fixed crash when importing ASCII files with time given in format HH:MM 
(without seconds) 
minor bug fixes 
HTMLView.exe program: only Save As... option is now left and it worksOK. 
Also reduced program size from 36KB to 19KB :-) 
TC2000 plugin now provides the access to Wordens proprietary 
indicatorsBalance Of Power and Money Stream via GetExtraData 
call:GetExtraData("BOP") and GetExtraData("MoneyStream")
3.93.1 (as compared to 3.93.0)
AddToComposite works ONLY in scan mode now 
fixed "Delete" feature in Symbol->Organize assignments 
fixed "Edit formula" feature 
cosmetic fix in charting: when only flat line = X is plotted scale is set 
from X to 1.1*X 
3.93.0 (as compared to 3.92.0)
Custom intervals for 
intraday bars implemented (new Preferences->Intraday page) 
new AFL function 
AddToComposite( array, "ticker", "field", flags = 3 )single function 
replacement of JScript/VBScript composite formula described in newsletter 
12/2001. Allows you to create composite indicators with 
ease.Parameters:array - the array of values to be added to "field" in 
"ticker" composite symbol "ticker" - the ticker of composite symbol. It is 
advised to use ~comp (tilde at the beginning)newly added composites are 
assigned to group 253 by default andhave "use only local database" feature 
switched on for proper operation with external sourcesflags - contains 
the sum of following values1 - reset values at the beginning of scan 
(recommended)2 - put composite ticker into group 253 and EXCLUDE all other 
tickers from group 253(avoids adding composite to 
composite)AddToComposite function also detects the contextin 
which it is runand does NOT affect composite ticker when run in Indicator 
or Commentary mode,so it is now allowed to join scan and indicator into 
single formula.Simple usage example:AddToComposite( MACD() 
> 0, "~BullMACD", "V");graph0 = Foreign("~BullMACD", "V");(now 
you can use the same formula in scan and indicator)
Ultimate() indicator now 
uses H/L prices instead of just close 
Status() function 
supports new argument:Status("action") - gives information in what context 
given formula is run1 - INDICATOR, 2 - COMMENTARY, 3 - SCAN, 4 - 
Quotations editor now allows easy adding new quotes in Single symbol mode 
(note (new) entry at the beginning of the quote list - select it and editnew 
Stock menu renamed to "Symbol" 
Market, Group, Sector and Industry information is shown in the statusbar 
Fixed synchronization between tree and ticker bar
Deleting stock selects next symbol (not 2nd next)
View->Refresh fixed 
Metastock importer and plug-in now support also intraday MS databases
Double click on the result list in Auto-Analysis window switches correctly 
the periodicity also for intraday charts 
buy arrows are green and sell arrows are red regardless of custom palette 
removed warning for running backtest over 1000 issues in no-trade mode 
when new database is loaded charts are switched automatically to DB'sbase 
3.92.0 (as compared to 3.90.6)
intra-day support implemented in charting engine
ASCII importer & wizard now feature new field definition: TIME 
(allowable formats: HHMM, HH:MM, HHMMSS, HH:MM:SS )
intra-day support added to the backtester/optimizer
Database settings window features time base setting
sorting by ticker after backtest in no-trades mode works OK now
number of rows in the result list is reported in exploration/scan 
AA export to CSV file does not include formula when you unmark "formula" 
check box in the settings
Find feature implemented in all AFL editors - press Ctrl+F to find text 
specifying graphNstyle 64 or 128 causes scaling based on H/L array in 
custom indicators 
added "Edit formula" option in the chart context menu that allows instant 
editing of custom indicator formula. 
New Metastock data plugin (MS.DLL) featuring intraday support is locatedin 
the Plugins subfolder
This archive contains 
"Sample" directory which includes sample intraday 1-minute quotes in 
"Date","Time","Open","High","Low","Close","Volume" format. You can import it to 
the database to check out new intraday features. You would need to:

Create a new database 
(File->New database) and set "Time base" to "1 minute" 
Use Import Wizard to 
import quotes from Sample directory (select 
"Date","Time","Open","High","Low","Close","Volume" in corresponding columns), 
or use supplied quotecom.format importer definition (in the Formats 
Choose View->1 minute 
to see intraday chart 
Choose Automatic 
Analysis->Settings : Periodicity "1 minute" to scan/backtest 

This obviously is a rather 
preview of new features. Later on (March) direct RT/intraday delayed feeds will 
be available. eSignal will be the first RT platform supported. There will be 
also a 15/20-minute delayed intraday Quote.com-based feed.
If you experience any problem with this beta version please send detailed 
description of the problem (especially the steps needed to reproduce it) to<A 