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Re: [amibroker] Re: Candlestick-Analyzer

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> Peter (that is your name correct?),
> I don't know you and you don't know me yet you claim to be able to tell me
> the unpleasant truths about myself.

Its a social comment not a personal one. Each culture has unattractive foibles. Nothing that
happens that is bad doesn't have itself rooted somewhere in the past.

> A sarcastic comment by Tom prompted you
> to retaliate with a 'you deserved it' comment?! I find that very offensive
> and rude

....which?... his first smart response or mine..?

> (I guess I should start making these type of assumptions about
> Aussies, huh?) and totally - TOTALLY - uncalled for.
..wouldn't you be the first to call for freedom of the press? Or is this still the lingering
political correctness process. 6000 people died and I saw it at 1am to 4am essentially live in real
time. I expect that the footage will linger in peoples minds for the next 50 years like the B&W
Nazi footage of concentration camps. But neither the WTC or the camps came about because somebody
woke up with a grudge at 1 am in the morning. Nuking someone till they glow, kill 'em all let God
sort it out, or expel every Arab or Indian in US, or dictating to the International community that
we are going to kick ass, join us or you're against us solve the problem, symptoms maybe, not the

Only your friends can tell you the problem of why "you" are despised by so many neighbours. And its
not envy because you live in the best house in the street. While it may or may not be a fact
depending upon your measure of best house, blaming envy is a convenient balm for facing up to the
real issue, which IMNSHO is that US foreign policy and foreign relationships have been ham fisted,
inept and completely incompetant and at times morally corrupt at every level of implementation since
the best and last US "diplomat" - the genius Ben Franklin. It a serious detraction, a blight on the
face of liberty and democracy as most understand these terms, but it doesn't mean that the generous
spirit, passionate defense in ones beliefs and altruistic ideals are not respected and admired

At this point ...again...I say no more and hopefully get back to AB.

