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Standard Deviation

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I understand that there is a "stdev" function built into the AFL but it seems as if this is a moving standard deviation....I include a small piece of an example I came across on the net ...what this person is explaining here is exactly what I whish to apply to a price graph....please help with the transformation to AFL !

To understand how standard deviation is calculated, let's work through a couple of very basic examples. We'll use two families, the Smithsand the Joneses. Both families have three children, and for both families,the average age of the children is 10. However, the range of the children's ages is quite different for the two families. The Smiths have an eight year old daughter, a 10 year old son, and a 12 year old daughter. The Joneseshave a one-year old son, a nine year old daughter, and a 20-year-old son. Both sets of children have the same average age, but we can use standard deviation to measure the variance around that mean, or average.

To calculate standard deviation, we first find the average of the children. We then subtract each child's age from the average age. Then, we square the resulting number. (By squaring the numbers, we eliminate any negative numbers from the equation.) For the Smith family, we end up with:
We then add these numbers together, divide by the total number of children, and take the square root of the whole thing:

I have manually applied these formulas to an Excel spreadsheet and found a big difference between the "stdev" graph in AB and the graph in the spreadsheet....I also have a book about unit trust that lists all unit trust in detail and also provides a small graph on the deviations, I tested my spreadsheet against a few of these printed graphs and found them to be the same, but different than the one's in AB....thus I assume there must be another kind of standard deviation calculation for AB like in the example above.

If I'm understanding the concept of Standard Deviations wrong, than please except my apologies for this question.

Kind regards

Louw Coetzer

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<DIV><FONT face=Arial><STRONG><EM>Tomasz</EM></STRONG></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>I understand that there is a "stdev" function built 
into the AFL but it seems as if this is a moving standard deviation....I include 
a small piece of an example I came across on the net ...what this person is 
explaining here is exactly what I whish to apply to a price graph....pleasehelp 
with the transformation to AFL&nbsp; !</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>
<TABLE border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width=605>
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<P><FONT color=#0000ff 
face="Times New Roman,Times,Times NewRoman">To understand how 
standard deviation is calculated, let's work through a couple of 
very basic examples. We'll use two families, the Smiths and the 
Joneses. Both families have three children, and for both families, 
the average age of the children is 10. However, the range of the 
children's ages is quite different for the two families. The Smiths 
have an eight year old daughter, a 10 year old son, and a 12 year 
old daughter. The Joneses have a one-year old son, a nine year old 
daughter, and a 20-year-old son. Both sets of children have thesame 
average age, but we can use standard deviation to measure the 
variance around that mean, or average.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff><FONT 
face="Times New Roman,Times,Times NewRoman">To calculate standard 
deviation, we first find the average of the children. We then 
subtract each child's age from the average age. Then, we squarethe 
resulting number. (By squaring the numbers, we eliminate any 
negative numbers from the equation.) For the Smith family, we end up 
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<TD width=244><IMG border=0 height=1 
src="cid:002c01c1396d$ece47c20$01ffbac4@xxxx"; width=244></TD>
<TD width=117><IMG border=0 height=1 
src="cid:002c01c1396d$ece47c20$01ffbac4@xxxx"; width=117></TD></TR>
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<TD align=left rowSpan=2 vAlign=top width=117><IMG alt=equations border=0 
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<TR align=left vAlign=top>
<TD height=73></TD>
<TD align=left vAlign=top width=244><IMG alt="Average age" border=0 
height=30 src="cid:002e01c1396d$ecec1d40$01ffbac4@xxxx"; 
<TR align=left vAlign=top>
<TD colSpan=3 height=47 width=605>
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<TD width=243>&nbsp;</TD>
<TD height=45 width=359>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff><FONT 
face="Times New Roman,Times,Times NewRoman">We then add these 
numbers together, divide by the total number of children, and take 
the square root of the whole 
<TR align=left vAlign=top>
<TD colSpan=3 height=15></TD></TR>
<TR align=left vAlign=top>
<TD height=66></TD>
<TD align=left colSpan=2 vAlign=top width=361><IMG 
alt="Standard Deviation" border=0 height=37 
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>I have manually applied these formulas to an Excel 
spreadsheet and found a big difference between the "stdev" graph in AB and the 
graph in the spreadsheet....I also have a book about unit trust that lists all 
unit trust in detail and also provides a small graph on the deviations, I tested 
my spreadsheet against a few of these printed graphs and found them to be the 
same, but different than the one's in AB....thus I assume there must be another 
kind of standard deviation calculation for AB like in the example 
<DIV align=center><FONT face=Arial size=2><EM>If I'm understanding the concept 
of Standard Deviations wrong, than please except my apologies for this 
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Kind regards</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Louw Coetzer</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>


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