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Re: [amibroker] Another PREV example

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Dear Jonf,
If I wanted to implement a PREV-like functionality 
I would simply
add just FOR-NEXT iteration and the way to access 
individual array elements.
Don't you think that writing a[ i ] = something( 
a[ i - 1 ] ) is both nicer and
more "standard-looking" way?
Anyway - DevKit is on the way so stay 
Best regards,Tomasz Janeczko===============AmiBroker - the 
comprehensive share manager.<A 
----- Original Message ----- 
To: <A title=amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 8:16 
Subject: Re: [amibroker] Another PREV 

I agree that it's against the execution model of AFL and I 
can imagine the amount of work required to change the execution model. For 
this reason, it's not worthwhile changing 
But I disagree that a linear implementation of PREV in 
C is less efficient or simpler than using JScript/VBScript ! 

In any case, unless other user want to pursue in this 
discussion, there is no point of continue this thread. 

I appreciate the way AmiBroker is 
implemented now and I am anxious to see version 3.8 when DevKit will provide a 
way to implement anything we want at the speed only limited to the C/C++ 
Thanks again !
Tomasz Janeczko 

To: <A title=amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
Sent: Friday, September 07, 200112:52 
Subject: Re: [amibroker] AnotherPREV 

I won't dig into technical details here but 
there is no sense in implementing PREV-like function 
because it is against array-based execution 
model of AFL (for more details see "Array processing"
article in the newsletter: <FONT 
face=Tahoma size=2><A 
face=Tahoma size=2>. This model makes AFL so fast.
All you really need is an access to individual 
items of the array and they way
to iterate through the array.
Now this functionality is provided in 
JScript/VBScript and as AFL fully supports these languages
via its scripting host you can write ANY 
recursive formula using script. This is not only simpler
than wrestling with PREV-like formulas but 
also more efficient.
Best regards,Tomasz Janeczko===============AmiBroker - the 
comprehensive share manager.<A 
----- Original Message ----- 
To: <A 

Sent: Friday, September 07,2001 
5:53 PM
Subject: Re: [amibroker] Another 
PREV example

I am not so sure about not implementing a PREV function. 
It's true that a lot of time you can find a replacement but some 
expression need self reference. Now I think you are right by saying that 
you shouldn't implement it as a truly recursive function but we need a 
self reference of the previous day of the current array !
I think an improved PREV function like PREV(Period, 
Default) could be very useful. This will take the result of the past 
Period ago current expression result. Default 
parameter will be return if expression is not yet calculated or indexis 
before the first bars.
This doesn't required an recursive implementation. We 
are self reference the previously calculated individual elements and not 
the expression by itself like a true recursion formula !. 
For a better understanding here are an example ofthe 
classical fibonacci number series:
1) Non 
recursive implementation fib[0] = 0;fib[1] = 1;for i=2 
to n   
fib[i] = fib[i-1] + fib[i-2];
2) Recursive 
implementation function fibF(i)  if i<2 
    return i  else    
return fib(i-1) + fib(i-2)end functionfor i=0 to n 
   fib[i] = fibF(i); 
3) Hypothetical 
Amibroker improved PREV  fib = prev(-1,1) + 
Now the complexity order for first algorithm is O(n). 

For the second algorithm is O( n*sum(i) ) = O( 
n*(n+1)*n/2 ) = O(n^3)
An implementation of PREV should be as the first 
algorithm (linear, efficient) and not like the second (cubic, very 
Now the implementation PREV may required a complete 
reprogramming of the AFL evaluation and may be not reasonable use of your 
time. But this is another story !
Best ! 
----- Original Message ----- 
To: <A 

Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 
7:34 AM
Subject: Re: [amibroker] Another 
PREV example

This is the reason why I think it is a good 
idea NOT to have PREV in AFL.
In 80% of cases things may be coded without 
it in much more efficient manner
(remember MS's PREV is very slow).The rest 
20% of cases could be coded
in script (also much more 
Best regards,
Tomasz Janeczko
----- Original Message ----- 
To: <A 

Sent: 07 September, 2001 
Subject: RE: [amibroker] Another 
PREV example

<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
size=2>Hey that worked perfectly!
<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
size=2>It just goes to show that there is always a different 
perspective for every problem.  I never thought to use the 
barssince function.
<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
size=2>Thanks Jon and David for your help!
<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 

<FONT face=Tahoma 
size=2>-----Original Message-----From: jonf 
[mailto:jonf_ca@xxxx]Sent: Thursday, September 06, 
2001 11:25 PMTo: <A 
Re: [amibroker] Another PREV example
barssince( month() != ref(month(),-1) 
) + 1;
Hope this will help !
Tell me if it's not what you want !
----- Original Message ----- 
To: <A 
href="">Amibroker Yahoo Group 

Sent: Thursday, September 06, 
2001 10:32 PM
Subject: [amibroker] Another 
PREV example
Hi All,I've been struggling to figure 
out how to code an MS indicator in AFLwithout using VBScript 
or JScript.  The function is pretty straight forward,but 
the solution still eludes me.  Here is the 
If(Month()<>Ref(Month(),-1),1,PREV+1)It is 
recursive, which makes it very simple to understand.  Itis 
anindicator that plots the current trade day number of the 
month.Can anybody offer any ideas on how to get this 
going?Thanks in 
advance!DanielYour use of Yahoo! 
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