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Another charting suggestion

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Hi TJ,

A few more suggestions :-

1. On ticker selection box (drop down list from tool bar) it would be nice
to have program do automatic soft seek positioning in list for keyboard
characters input (like in ticker tree window). e.g. if user keys "Tr" cursor
positions immediately to first security in list beginning with the letters
"Tr". Currently I find browsing a big list is a bit awkward even using a
wheel mouse.

2. Indicator lists: When inserting an indicator on a chart or
building/editing an indicator via Tools the indicator lists are displayed in
sequence of internal object number. IMO it would be much better if both
builtin and custom indicators were displayed in indicator name (ASCII)
sequence. This would also allow an automatic program soft seek to be
implemeneted effectively. Currently when selecting a custom indicator the
user must search serially thru an effectively unsequenced list of up to 100

3. I would like to see the limit of 100 custom indicators removed. I know
this may sound *greedy* to some but I am in the process of converting a lot
of my stuff from Metastock and I can easily forsee exceeding the 100 limit
and being forced to choose which 100 to keep in my list. With the speed and
capacity of todays PCs I don't think AB should have a hard limit like this
unless there is very good reason for restriction. The way I tend to work is
I build an indicator, say HolyGrail ;^), then amend it slightly and name it
HolyGrail2, then test and amend this slightly and then save this as
HolyGrail3, then compare results, then iterate thru 4.... etc. Soon I have
multiple versions of an indicator and I don't want to discard any until
comparative tests are complete (are they ever?). I know I should do more
housekeeping but like many users I tend to hang on to things just because
they may come in useful someday :-)

The situation is made worse because AB currently does not provide the
facility for user input parameters to an indicator, therefore each minor
variant of an indicator must be coded as a separate AFL (unless you are
prepared to edit AFL in situ which then prevents comparative testing).
