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Another system/exploration example

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To do an exploration do not forget to set your date to the last 1 n 
quotations or to todays date if today's data is current.

This also charts the DMI Spread Index, if you want to use this as an indicator.

And you can visually check out the buys and sells by opening the commentary 
and looking at the arrows on the price chart pane. I have not provided and 
commentary text in this code.

Steve /* Settings setup should have buy and sell at open with one day delay. I also use a 5%
maximum stop loss. This code also plots the DMI Index in its own chart pane. Note that I
have also provided a zero line for better viewing of the zero cross.*/


/* the following code is for the consolidation periods or better know
as the sleeping Alligator */

var3= 5;
var4= 3;
var0= Ref(Wilders(C,13),-8);
var1= Ref(Wilders(C,8),-5);
var2= Ref(Wilders(C,5),-3);
var5= Ma((var0+var1+var2),var4) ;
angle=iif( angle >90,angle-360,angle);
hope=iif( angle <20 AND angle>-20,1,0);
cry=((Stdev(C,var3*2) - Ref(Wilders(Stdev(C,var3*2),8),-5))/

/* End of Sleeping Alligator which is an area of little or no volitlity or price movement.*/

graph0=SI; /* Spread Index */
graph1=0; /* Provides a zero based line of blue color */ 

Buy=cross(SI,0) ;
/* or PDI(14)>MDI(14) and ADX(14)>MDI(14) and (Hope and Cry)==0;*/
/* Having PDI and ADX and (Hope and Cry) does not test as well */
sell=cross(0,SI) or ADX(14)<MDI(14) and PDI(14)<MDI(14);

Buy=exrem(buy,sell); /* this removes redundant buy/sell signals */

/* The following code is the exploraiton code */

Filter=( /*ref(Buy,-1)==0 and*/ (Buy==1) );
numcolumns = 6;
column0 =ref(C+0.065,-1);
column0format = 1.2;
column0name = "Trigger Price";
column1 = C;
column1name = "Close ";
column1format = 1.2;
column2 = ma(v,17);
column2name = "17 Ma Vol ";
column2format = 1.0;
column3 = ma(C,17)/ma(c,50);
column3name = "% 17/50 ";
column3format = 1.2;
column3format = 1.2;
column4= ma(c,17);
column4name="17 C ma";
column4format = 1.2;
column4= ma(c,50);
column4name="50 C ma";
column4format = 1.2;
Column5Name="DMI Index";
/* End of Exploration Code. */

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