I am now seeing what I expected to see long ago but didn't. The
are now talking about how this bull market should carry all summer long and
how DOW 15,000 is a lock and that there is no end in sight to the liquidity
etc. In other words, they are now jumping on the train they previously
said would never leave the station and I think that will spell a quick end
to this long run. I have now closed out all my long positions and begun
shorting a couple of equities which I feel are way over valued. Now, my
status is watching and waiting for confirmation before I fill the truck
with shorts. (Hey, it is the season for shorts.. summer and all). The
only thing bothering me about these thoughts is the put/call ratio but I
feel the swing in analyst opinion trumps that. Hope everyone has had a
great ride and that ya'll have a great summer .. shorts or not. :)