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RT] RE: DSL vs Cable for Trading

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I use a premium cable service from Time Warner in Austin, Texas where 
service has been very reliable with adequate customer support.  Upload 
speeds (tested at www.speakeasy.net ) to Chicago, Dallas and NY average 
7200 Down - 950 Up.  When I instituted service, I insisted that the 
company test its drop lines from the pole all the way to my router to 
check for signal "leaks"; as a  result, they replaced their old drop 
with noticeable improvement.  I previously used a combo of DSL and 
Cable with a HotBrick router that balanced the load between the two and 
employed a instant fall over feature in case one line suffered an 
outage.  Gave up this dual line arrangement because cable has proved so 
unexpectedly reliable.  None the less, I check my speed regularly at 
peak usage times.