I'm in the market for a new trading computer. I trade primarily the
Jones mini using Tradestation with a 2 monitor display containing
charts and two time & sales windows.
I've always purchased Dell in
the past, and to a large extent have
been pleased. But now I'm wondering
if purchasing a computer
specifically designed for trading may by a better
route. I've talked
to both TradingComputers.com and
CustomTradingComputers.com. They've
both specked out machines that
cost about twice as much as similar
systems that I've specked out myself
at Dell. Both claim that the
parts that they specify in combination will
run faster and more
efficiently than anything that Dell can
What do the more experienced traders in the group do when they
to upgrade to a new trading machine? Is it worth the extra money to
have it designed by a trading computer specialist, or can I spec out
comparable machine myself and save allot of money? If the latter is
case, what sort of specs would you recommend?
Thanks in