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[RT] Re: PSYCH:Capacity to Learn

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At Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 12:35:19 -0500, you wrote:
From: "Norman Winski" <nwinski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
Subject: Re: PSYCH:Capacity to Learn
How many people do you know named "Nasrudin"? Did you create
this character yourself or from what book did you derive it? 
There are many tales, and books of tales attributed to Mulla
Nasrudin.   Many cultures claim that he is one of theirs - in a
way they are all right for new versions of old tales continue to be
attibruted to him.
One such book ISBN 0-86304-040-3 is a double book - 'The subtleties of
the Inimitable Mulla Nasrudin' AND 'The Exploits of the Comparable Mulla
In reading these stories, I am able to laugh at myself, and find insights
into human nature while having fun at my own expense.
Humour and provocation can both be ways to break out of mental
My favourite (which means I have a lot to learn from it) is the following
I feel the story below it is a key part of why it took me over a decade
to become profitable as a trader and then everything became so easy so
readily - I stopped looking where the light was brightest like the rest
of the crowd.
"Someone saw Nasrudin searching for something on the
'What have you lost, Mulla?' he asked.   'My key said the
Mulla.   So they both went down on their knees and looked for
After a time the other man asked: 'Where exactly did you drop
'In my own house.'
'Then why are you looking here?'
'There is more light here than inside my house.'"
Hope you too enjoy the stories.
One of its relevance for traders if the following analogy:
Many traders spend a lot of their time refining their entries and exits
and other parameters of their trading system.   A practice
somewhat negatively and often unkindly called curve-fitting.
Meanwhile, the real problem is not in their trading system but in their
trader behaviour - whether it be discipline, perception
So the analogy to trading is quite useful - it really is lost in 'my
house' - their head, but the enjoyment (the light) is greater in the
refinement of trading systems - anyway it is more fun.   
Again the emphasis on diversion over real aspiration for
A case of rejection allowing the looking where the light is best to
Should, based on your prior reactions, you find it difficult to take any
of my recommendations, just type 'Nasrudin' into Google and follow your
Regards, Ric.

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