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[RT] WSJ Largest Short Positions

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10/21 10:33P (WJ) WSJ(10/22) Short Interest 
HighlightsStory 0796 (N/DJN, N/DJWI, N/JNL, N/DJPF, N/DJWB, N/SHO, N/WLS, 
M/NND...)  From The Wall Street Journal 
Largest Short Positions 
Oct. 15       Sep. 
13      Change 
NYSE   1  Sprint-PCS Group   152,915,621  
128,231,795  24,683,826  2  Global Crossing    
106,916,864  114,217,195  -7,300,331  3  Lucent 
Technolog   106,425,776  118,783,300 -12,357,524 
 4  Motorola Inc        
82,606,346   67,021,719  15,584,627  5  Nortel 
Networks     72,314,752   70,504,860   
1,809,892  6  Cendant 
Corp        68,452,724  102,832,638 
-34,379,914  7  Tyco 
64,747,945   42,373,507  22,374,438  8  AT&T 
63,137,486   56,105,735   7,031,751  9  AOL 
Time Warner     59,935,177   61,001,029  
-1,065,852 10  Disney (Walt) Co    
56,697,109   49,108,793   7,588,316 11  Rite Aid 
Corp       56,644,164   58,900,733  
-2,256,569 12  Wal-Mart Stores     
53,230,761   39,263,070  13,967,691 13  
Hewlett-Packard     50,759,837   29,922,434  
20,837,403 14  Solectron Corp      
46,068,009   36,180,823   9,887,186 15  Conseco 
Inc         42,098,780   
38,176,216   3,922,564 16  Citigroup 
Inc       41,879,382   
35,267,923   6,611,459 17  AT&T Wireless Svcs  
39,436,650   32,714,663   6,721,987 18  General 
Electric    37,642,349   33,093,493   
4,548,856 19  EMC 
37,591,139   22,426,767  15,164,372 20  Johnson & 
Johnson   35,933,348   40,548,541  -4,615,193 
AMEX   1  Nasdaq-100 Trust r 128,459,347  
102,884,459  25,574,888  2  SPDR 500 
r          35,801,139   
25,270,353  10,530,786  3  DJIA DiamondsTrust 
r13,208,552    7,915,815   5,292,737  4  
iShrRussell3000     11,623,568    
4,101,841   7,521,727  5  Devon Energy 
r       9,738,560    
9,883,554    -144,994 
Largest Changes 
Oct. 15     Sep. 13       
NYSE    INCREASES (in shares)   1  
Sprint-PCS Group   152,915,621  128,231,795  24,683,826 
 2  Tyco 
64,747,945   42,373,507  22,374,438  3  
Hewlett-Packard     50,759,837   29,922,434  
20,837,403  4  Motorola 
Inc        82,606,346   
67,021,719  15,584,627  5  EMC 
37,591,139   22,426,767  15,164,372  6  Wal-Mart 
Stores     53,230,761   39,263,070  
13,967,691  7  Solectron Corp      
46,068,009   36,180,823   9,887,186  8  Contl 
Airlines B    11,369,908    3,271,299   
8,098,609  9  Disney (Walt) Co    
56,697,109   49,108,793   7,588,316    
DECREASES (in shares)   1  Cendant 
Corp        68,452,724  102,832,638 
-34,379,914  2  Phillips Petroleum   
7,426,238   38,241,195 -30,814,957  3  Tyson Foods 
Inc      6,561,237   31,311,312 -24,750,075 
 4  Lucent Technolog   106,425,776  118,783,300 
-12,357,524  5  US 
22,220,518   32,514,231 -10,293,713  6  Portugal 
Telecom     4,491,323   12,179,976  
-7,688,653  7  Global Crossing    106,916,864  
114,217,195  -7,300,331  8  Univision 
Commun1    1,517,846   18,662,026  -7,144,180 
AMEX    INCREASES (in shares)   1  
Nasdaq-100 Trust r 128,459,347  102,884,459  25,574,888 
 2  SPDR 500 
r          35,801,139   
25,270,353  10,530,786  3  
iShrRussell3000     11,623,568    
4,101,841   7,521,727  4  DJIA Diamonds 
Trustr13,208,552    7,915,815   5,292,737 
 5  Oil ServiceHOLDRS    
4,658,784    2,396,152   2,262,632    
DECREASES (in shares)   1  Ivax Corp 
r          8,910,077   
12,166,990  -3,256,913  2  Standard&Poors Mid   
6,016,350    8,245,675  -2,229,325  3  SPDR 
Energy Sel XLE  2,719,676    3,942,166  -1,222,490 
 4  iShrs 
1,871,966    2,792,557    -920,591 
 5  British Amer Tob        
94,866      699,235    -604,369 
Largest Short Interest Ratios    The short interest ratio is 
the number of days it would take to cover the short interest if trading 
continued at the average daily volume for the month. 
Oct. 15    Avg Dly    Days to 
Short Int     Vol-a     Cover 
NYSE   1  PhilippnLD 
pf       2,168,900    
2,147     1,010  2  Quebecor 
World      2,206,534   
15,706       140  3  WHX 
3,707,251   26,865       138 
 4  AFP Prov ADR        
1,801,501   18,529        97 
 5  Canadian Imperial   2,302,221   
24,141        95  6  Transalta 
Corp        455,103    
6,365        72  7  Telecom 
NZ          4,074,376   
57,376        71  8  USG 
12,014,904  168,171        71 
 9  Revlon 
Inc          2,612,806   
53,312        49 10  Coachmen 
Indust     1,049,096   
21,671        48 11  Southwest 
Secur     6,267,989  
147,018        43 12  Marvel 
Enterprises  3,093,636   
73,259        42 13  House2Home 
Inc      4,818,578  
116,565        41 14  
Abitibi-Consolid    7,654,406  
190,224        40 15  Pacif Century 
Cybr  3,712,226   
97,094        38 16  
Knight-Ridder      13,894,029  
371,971        37 17  
915,215   26,265        35 
18  Chiquita Brands     5,462,085  
172,935        32 
AMEX   1  MerLyn notes15Index 1,359,751   
20,476        66  2  BioTime 
Inc         1,163,706   
18,085        64  3  iShrs 
Trust 500 Ivw 3,644,156   
58,623        62  4  Alterra 
Healthcare  1,911,751   
31,614        60  5  iShrs 
SP500         3,503,024   
70,023        50    
a-Includes securities with average daily volume of 20,000 shares or more. 
n-New. r-Revised.   Issues that split in the latest month are 
excluded. The largest percentage increase and decrease sections are limited 
to issues with previously established short provisions in both months. 
Largest % Increases 
Oct. 15     Sep. 
13         % 
NYSE   1  Odyssey Re 
Hldgs       344,776    
9,900         3,382.6  2  
TELUS CorpNV Shrs      598,608   
24,820         2,311.8  3  
Duke Energy Corp un  1,113,702   
48,700         2,186.9  4  
PartnerRe Ltd        1,205,450  
106,057         1,036.6 
 5  Advanced Mktg Svcs     352,757   
39,375           795.9 
 6  Tucker Anthony       
152,341           744.5 
 7  Finova Group         
317,736           572.8 
 8  Cinergy Corp         
385,877           345.7 
 9  Hospitality Props    1,095,425  
251,512           335.5 
10  Hitachi 
125,976           321.0 
11  Ackerley Group       1,910,773  
464,986           310.9 
12  Exide Technologies  4,996,882 
1,264,070           295.3 
13  Allianz 
132,170           288.9 
14  France Telecom AMR-Dp  279,216   
74,100           276.8 
15  ING Groep 
NV           681,039  
185,540           267.1 
16  Contl Airlines B   11,369,908 
3,271,299           247.6 
17  Manulife Fin'l       2,783,019  
811,079           243.1 
18  Community Health    3,324,038 
1,046,320           217.7 
19  Reliant Resources    1,440,213  
460,740           212.6 
20  Canadian Pac Rwy       750,557  
240,154           212.5 
21  Everest Re Group     2,010,073  
645,167           211.6 
22  StanCorp Finl          
136,830           211.1 
AMEX   1  iShrs MSCI 
EAFE        685,321   
16,200         4,130.4  2  
iShrs MSCI UK          
811,330   41,944         
1,834.3  3  El Paso Electric       
50,488           958.9 
 4  Imperial Oil Ltd       
161,864           279.1 
 5  Gaylord Container      894,217  
265,067           237.4 
Largest % Decreases 
Oct. 15   Sep. 
13           % 
NYSE   1  Metlife Inc 8% 
ESU        1,200   
2,040,084      -99.9  2  Anderson 
Explor          84,053   
3,414,371      -97.5  3  Turkcell 
Iletism         88,830   
1,088,407      -91.8  4  Hyperion Total 
Ret       83,366     
843,900      -90.1  5  Matsushita 
Elec         197,421   
1,200,845      -83.6  6  Piedmont Nat 
Gas        206,324   
1,168,224      -82.3  7  Tetra 
90,283     484,307      -81.4 
 8  Phillips Petroleum    7,426,238  
38,241,195      -80.6  9  Copel 
289,794   1,447,843      -80.0 10  
Asia Global Cross        
90,673     443,996      -79.6 
11  Tyson Foods Inc       6,561,237  
31,311,312      -79.0 12  Banco Bilbao 
Viz        838,247   
3,448,369      -75.7 13  BankAtlantic 
Bncp       941,441   
3,682,786      -74.4 14  Worthington 
Indus       760,116   
2,800,633      -72.9 15  Global 
Payments         277,891   
1,020,011      -72.8 16  Liberty All-Star 
G      160,048     
553,170      -71.1 17  Atmos 
510,028   1,762,253      -71.1 18  
Kraft Foods Inc       2,414,524   
8,227,495      -70.7 19  Golden State 
Bncp       670,396   
2,281,358      -70.6 20  Amer Water 
Works        507,794   
1,672,308      -69.6 
AMEX   1  British Amer 
94,866     699,235      -86.4 
 2  iShrsS&P 
53,200     361,566      -85.3 
 3  SPDR Cyclical/Trans XLY 534,119   
1,132,528      -52.8  4  iShrs 
1,871,966   2,792,557      -33.0 
 5  SPDR Energy Sel XLE   2,719,676   
3,942,166      -31.0   (END) DOW JONES 
NEWS  10-21-01  10:33 PMAdditional Codes ( M/TPX, P/PIC, 

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