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[RT] ADMIN: Please Read

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&nbsp; As most of you know, it appears that we have again experienced
several problems with the RT Forum over the last few days.&nbsp;
Unfortunately, I (John Boggio - Moderator) have no ability/control in
correcting such problems.&nbsp; If you believe you are experiencing
problems or believe the Forum may be down, please contact the list
administrators, (that's what I do when someone sends me a post
questioning the status of the server).&nbsp; Their email address 
OR&nbsp; <font color="#0000FF">support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</font> <br>
&nbsp; Again, I apologize for the inconvenience but there is nothing
&quot;I&quot; can do.<br>
Thanks and sorry,<br>
John Boggio - RT Moderator</html>
</x-html>From ???@??? Mon May 22 05:54:56 2000
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Subject: [RT] Vs: Let's talk about Gold? 1
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<font size=3>RTer's,<br>
&nbsp; I am trying to forward these posts from Stig regarding Gold due to
the problems of the RT Server.<br>
John Boggio<br>
</font><font face="arial" size=2><b>-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----<br>
Fra: </b>Stig O
<b>Dato: </b>21. maj 2000 00:47<br>
<b>Emne: </b>Let's talk about Gold? 1<br>
</font>http://www.gata.org/latest.<a href="http://www.gata.org/latest.html";>html<br>
</a><font size=3>&nbsp;<br>
</font><font size=2>We could see some interesting movements in gold
Technically the yellow metal is ripe for a rally. The question is how far
it will go.<br>
</font><font size=3>&nbsp;<br>
</font><font size=2>We are now seeing the classic bullsign when Gold
makes a new low and XAU doesn't.<br>
</font><font size=3>&nbsp;<br>
</font><font size=2>This gif gives some technical arguments for a
trendchange in the XAU<br>
</font><font size=3>&nbsp;<br>
Attachment Converted: "f:\eudora\attach\XAU WEDGE.gif"