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[RT] Gen - Astrospeak

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If we dare engage in a bit of humor in this post conjunctive period as
viewed in the third harmonic here is a quote on Mars and Saturn from the
book titled, "Bluff your Way in Astrology & Fortune Telling" that fits in
with Friday's market action.

"As war is not as popular as it once was astrologers usually try to make the
God of War palatable by talking about self-assertiveness and energy.  Key
word:  violence.

"There's got to be one trouble maker.  The Romans let Saturn rule the
underworld and he's not much cheerier nowadays.  Astrologers talk about
restrictions and discipline but Saturn is really about luck - and most of
its bad.  Key word:  fate."

Tuesday 4/18 is a full moon which means the moon is waxing now and a long
entry should be looked for on Monday or Tuesday.

4/20 has Mercury Trine Pluto or in the 3rd harmonic it is Mercury conjunct
Pluto.  Mercury represents communications and speed.  Pluto governs the
subsconscious mind and the ability to overcome difficulties.  4/20 is of
course the day before expiration.

So for next week the switch from OEXbear to OEXbull will be made on the
Quick Harmonic Trader when the Stochastics Oscillator turns up from a higher


Attachment Converted: "f:\eudora\attach\OEXbull3.gif"