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I'm daytrading, so this may or may not apply to what you are trying to do...
I won't enter before 10 am EST. I'll look for my indicators to bring me in
soon after if the move continues, but retraces enough and then turns back to
invite me in. That's how I look at entries... as invitations to join an
already existing higher trend.
I miss some moves waiting until at least 10:00, but mostly I miss a jumble
of directionless chaos. I need the chaos to settle into a pattern that can
be seen and compared to the higher trend.
I'll admit to being cautious. If a stock gaps, I want to know if the gap
gets filled before I jump on the band wagon. MACD's, DMA's, fib, patterns,
breakouts ... I use them all when looking to be invited to join that party
called trend!
Swope's Mountain Photography
Climb the mountains & get their glad tidings: Peace will flow into you as
sunshine into flower; the winds will blow their freshness into you & storms
their energy, & cares will drop off you like autumn leaves. John Muir 1838 -
----- Original Message -----
From: <JAC1390@xxxxxxx>
To: <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2000 10:32 AM
> I know it is a very personal matter with regard to risk
> etc.
> I was just wondering if thread can share entry ideas.
> REASON: I have successfully developed screening techniques that I feel
> comfortable with but... I am missing a great number of these trades
> one,I do not use market orders on the open and two,it appears that the
> greatest majority of my screens gap open,thus, even though they have
> continued up at what level do you determine to pay up on the open?
> The risk of just going in is that the move that got me in may be exhausted
> and I now pay at the high end of the gap.Even using Bollinger Bands,
> channels, and trenlines do not seem to provide me with answer.
> Any ideas???