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[RT] Re: [realtraders] S&P and Nasdaq S/R for 12/28/99

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On Mon, 27 Dec 1999, Ira Tunik wrote:

I agree with you - it is OK for him to post, and folks may choose to 
ignore him. If everyone did this we'd waste a lot of bandwidth, but one 
or two posters are not a disaster. But I believe the real points are a bit 

> Do you find out exactly how a blood test is
> analyzed before you will take one and then don't believe the results because
> they haven't proved it to you.  

I won't do that. Why? Because it is a standard test, and I can find out 
exactly how it works, with statistics on accuracy, etc, etc, etc. I'm 
willing to take the test because it *is* so well known and well proven. 

Suppose you go to a doc, and he tells you he does not use a standard test,
but one he devised, on his own. He won't tell you how it works, or any
statistics on accuracy, safety, specificity, etc. He can't refer you to
*any* peer reviews. It was never published. Would you use his proprietary
test, or seek out a well-known, proven one? (I'd get another doc :-). 

I believe this is closer to the issue...
