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Re: MKT "foolproof trade"

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I just came across an old book that I forgot that I even had.  It's
"Stan Weinstein's Secrets for Profiting in Bull and Bear
Markets".(Whatever happened to him?)  In it, there's a chart attributed
to Yale Hirsch's "Don't sell Stocks on Monday" (A book? I don't know.) 
The chart is as follows:

Market performance each day of the week based on the number of times
that the S&P closed higher than the previous day from June '52 to June

Mon - 43.0%
Tues - 51.3%
Wed - 55.6%
Thurs - 52.6%
Fri - 58.0%

This sort of supports your strategy.  I am not saying that this is
true.  I didn't do the research and am not sure who did.  Just for


> So who needs any form of analysis.  Just buy the opening Thursday and
> sell the close Friday.  As Bizarre as it sounds it has worked for about
> the last 6 weeks.  Obviously I'm making light of this situation, but
> isn't it interesting.  The open Thursday to close Friday has been pretty
> interesting for over a month.