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Re: No Bid/Ask

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Ensign Windows 32 bit version is scheduled for release on Monday, November
2. Been doing real-time trading with the beta for around 6 weeks now and
very much like it. It's a huge improvement over the 16 bit version ... many
new features, low computer resource usage, and very powerful programming
language which is now compiled (fast) rather than interpreted (slow).
Ongoing support and product enhancement is top notch and the software is
rented ($29/month), rather than purchased, so the developer has strong
incentive to maintain excellent support. Currently uses either BMI or DTN
data feeds and a Signal Online data feed is in early beta.

Compared to Omega and Equis products, it does not include hundred of
indicators, however it's got a strong set of basic indicators, paint bars,
and drawing tools. I've done a lot of programming with the ESPL programming
language, and in my opinion, it is considerably more powerful than
Tradestation Easy Language, however it is a bit lower level and therefore a
little more challenging to learn. Oh yes, Ensign has been Y2K compliant for
over six months now is happily collecting data on futures contracts expiring
in 2000 and beyond.


-----Original Message-----
From: Lawrence Lewis <lel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: RealTraders Discussion Group <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thursday, October 29, 1998 12:12 PM
Subject: RE: No Bid/Ask

>How do you like Ensign 32-bit? Ensign Software's site says it's only
>available in Beta by invitation only. Do you know when it will be
>released in full?
>Larry Lewis
> -----Original Message-----
>From: "Sentinel Trading" (reply to: rjbiii@xxxxxxxxx)
>[SMTP:rjbiii@xxxxxxxxx (MIME) (actually from:
>Sent: Thursday, October 29, 1998 11:07 AM
>To: realtraders
>Subject: Re:No Bid/Ask
> << File: Part2.html >>
>I'm running Ensign 32 bit and all Ok here, just the usual bad ticks.
>____________________Reply Separator____________________
>Subject: No Bid/Ask
>Author: owner-realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Date:  10/29/98 10:47 AM
> ---- Alternative ------------------
>I am getting no Bid/Ask on NYSE and bad ticks,  I am using dtn real time,
>anybody else having the same problem
> ---- Alternatives -----------------
> ---- End of Alternatives ----------