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Re: [Doom and Gloom Dow Industrials Forecast]

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In a message dated 10/16/98 1:14:03 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
rraff@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:

For the record this was not my post.

 >TQuinn211@xxxxxxx wrote:
 >This makes no sense. If the Fed was that worried about the markets
 >(which I think they should be) they would have at least cut the discount
 >rate on 29-Feb. Interventions do not work unless they are done big time.
 >Witness the sad history of central bank intervention in the forex
 >market. All it does is clobber the shorts and give those who were not
 >short an opportunity to short at a better level. If the Fed wants to
 >prop up the market, all they need to do is say that they are looking
 >into LEGAL ways of buying stocks. That'd scare the heck out of anybody
 >shorting the market.
 >Caroline Baum just wrote a great piece for Bloomberg News talking about
 >similarly idiotic conspiracy theories that always crop up in the forex
 >market and bond pits, the latest of which called for a rate cut over the
 >weekend following an emergency meeting last week of the Fed.
 >Watch out for the little green men. If they start buying spooz,
 >Andromeda's the limit!