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Re: FTG Futures Trading Group

  • To: RealTraders Discussion Group <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: FTG Futures Trading Group
  • From: traderguy@xxxxxxx (JMB)
  • Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 13:19:35 -0400 (EDT)
  • In-reply-to: <199810091621.JAA01092@xxxxxxxxxx>

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On Sat, 29 Aug 1998 16:23:02 +0100, Robert Pisani <pisani@xxxxxxxx>
>Who has experience with FTG?  I would like your appraisal of their
>electronic brokerage, problems, etc., in particular in the S&P.

On Fri, 09 Oct 1998 18:20:05 +0200, Robert Warren <bob@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>I would be interested to hear comments from any traders having experience
>using FTG's electronic order entery system. www.tradeftg.com, especially
>with regard to fast entry/exit on spoos.


First off, it's..... Futures Technology Group (FTG), NOT Futures
Trading Group, OK!

I would like to say right now, that I have no affiliation with FTG in
any way, shape or form, other than the fact that I, as well as a
couple of my trading buddies maintain an account with them!!
OK, Enough said!!   However..... If they DID ever decide to lavish me
with a new Ferrari or a 60+ ft. yacht??.... I wouldn't complain!!

Anyway, they (FTG) are based out of Century City, CA., very close to
Beverly Hills!   It is run by a guy named Bruce J. Serra.  I meet him
only once, when I opened my account there almost 10 months ago now!

Honestly, I haven't used the account much, because of a "fiasco" with
their electronic trading operation!  To make a long story short, they
used to clear through LFG, and be hooked up to the LEO system, BUT,
Bruce thought things could be better!!  (hind sight being 20/20, maybe
he saw the hand-writing on the wall at LFG, so-to-speak!)   SO.... off
they went to a "magical new system" with Rosenthal-Collins!!

Problem was, pour Bruce..., Rosenthal's electronic system wasn't "up &
running" yet!!   Basically putting FTG in quite a bind!!  At least for
their electronic customers anyway!

Personally, I opened my account with them for TWO reasons!
  1)  Electronic Trading!... need I say more?
  2)  They came highly recommended to me by a very good trading buddy
of mine, Mark S.!
  3)  I'm adding this one after-the-fact!    After meeting Bruce, I
realized that he was an honest guy who was going to do a good job for
you... He knew what the hell was going on, as well as what he was
doing, and pretty much where he and his company were going!!.... So
that, for me, was the "icing on the cake!"

SO, I opened my account... BUT, as I mentioned earlier, I wanted... no
actually I mean NEEDED, to be trading electronically!  Plain & simple!

Because, #1, Electronic trading was the most important to me at that
point in time!!    I was in a bad kinda situation... because I didn't
know how long it was going to take for FTG to get this whole
Electronic thing rolling, I was forced to go and open another account
with a friend of mine, who is an IB for LFG, because I couldn't wait,

Now one might ask... is electronic trading better??
Maybe YES, Maybe NO!
BUT for me.... IT IS BETTER!!
Basically, it's something you need to figure out for yourself, No-one
else can tell you!!

AS far as FTG & Bruce are concerned.... It looks as though they
finally got this Electronic thing figured out, AND I HEAR, IT'S PRETTY
DAMN GOOD!!    Bravo, Bruce!!

Personally, I'm glad I never closed my account there, because I knew
one day soon.... FTG would have one of the best Electronic Systems
around.... and it looks as though Bruce was right!!  IMHO, timing
could have been a little better, but none the less.... He did it!!

As a matter of fact, I think I'll call them this week and re-activate
my account!

Robert(s), I can honestly say... Give 'em a try, YOU WON'T REGRET IT!!
Besides... You could do a hell of a lot worse.... Look at the problems
LFG is having!

Hope that helped you out??   None-the-less... Have a Nice Day & Happy
Trading to you guys!

Jeffrey M. Bliven
L.A. Futures Support Group
Northridge, CA.

PS.  Don't tell them I sent ya, they probably don't remember me
anymore.... at least not this week!!