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Since my last post "11 SEP", I have gotten a new version of Unfair
Advantage and to my pleasant surprise it included Dow Jones index from

So the other day I ran that file through Ray Merrimans add on to Galactic
Trader to find out which aspect were present when we have had a  fall of
10% or more, within an orb of 3%.

Included is a gif showing the result.
In the upper left-hand corner are Conjunctions displayed
Below that we have Oppositions
Upper right hand corner are Squares (90 degrees between planets)
Lower right we have sextiles( 60 degrees between planets)
and middle lowest Trines (120 degrees between planets)
The picture should be self-explanatory.

This is a very simplistic way of looking at astronomical events correlated
to the markets, but I find it very interesting and the coincidences are
sometimes remarkable.

Why I post this now, is because we had a Mercury conjunct Venus yesterday
and looking at the upper left picture, find that Of all conjunctions, the
Venus/Mercury score the second highest

The day before yesterday we had Venus trine Saturn which also is among the
high hitters.

And today we have Mercury square Pluto and Venus Square Pluto WITHIN 10
Looking at the squares, we find that the Pluto/Mercury square is the one
that is most involved in 10% or more drops with Venus/Pluto not following
far behind.

In other words 4 energy events within a short timespan.

Now just for fun, take a look at October 22 , 23 and 24th

Then we have 
Sun Square Neptune
Sun Opposite Saturn
Venus Square Neptune
Venus Opposite Saturn

Very interesting, in light of Chris Carolan's work on Panics. His 2nd date
for a crash, if one is to materialize, could be around 
October 17. A date projected long time ago. 

Now, please remember, I am not trying to prove anything. I am just pointing
out what has happened in the past, which, to some, may be relevant for the
future (and present...).