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Re: HE LIED......Politics effecting the market.

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Arnold wrote:

>I've seen the self-rightous, felt their pain, and only wish them 
>everlasting pain.

     I'm sorry to post this type of post to a trading board, but find I 
cannot resist. The last person I heard say "I feel your pain". Was Bill 
Clinton. Remember? Certainly seems more than a bit ironic to me at this 
point in time.

     Some remind me of people who have forgotten the importance of truth 
and law, like those that attack the police instead of the perpetrators. 
What do you call a country where the "leader" is above truth and law? 
Did I wake up in Indonesia?

     Some say Congress should not do the right thing, so that there will 
be a lame duck in office come election time. To that viewpoint, I say 
that the major problem faced these years is "Look what he did for the 
economy". If the market crashes upon his impeachment, these words would 
also take on a far different meaning.

     I am amazed at how much effort people are willing to expend to 
preserve a contruct of lies. But that is probably the central truth of 
our times.

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