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Re: Using your brain ...for a change

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Thank you Khanitha,
                   Your comments are well taken and OJ is a great example.
It is easy to lose in OJ even if you are right. 

Now on to using your brain. 

If you are losing money and someone is using the same indicators that you
are ...watch out.
They are probably worth avoiding. Read Edward Debono's book on
thinking....he says don't dig a deeper hole
dig a new one. 

Refresh yourself find something new. Find a new way to look at the market.
Find something that gives you the enthusiasm you need. Find something you
can explore with the curosity of
a child. Then after a while go back to your old indicators for a quick
visit. Remember the parameters that 
are important and really work....write them down and you may even find a
new way to apply the old methods in a new way that really works.

May the bird of paradise drop many golden eggs in your wallets


At 11:50 PM 8/3/98 -1000, khanitha wrote:
>"secret" indicators??!!  You make me laugh... 
>     so i guess these "secrets" of yours are making you millions, and by
>the end of the decade you will build up your account to about 100 mill
>     give me a break, if you had valuable "secrets" you would not be
>wasting your time with all these e-mails.
>     why does everyone lose common sense?????
>          this reminds me of when i lived in vegas for a year.  all those
>old guys walking around talking to themselves and NOT schitzo's.  just led
>around to the mythical pot of gold.......you should see all the book stores
>with all the "systems" (you thought futures traders had a lot to choose
>do you want a "secret" that will be worth 100 times more than whatever the
>heck these "secret indicators" are?
>here goes:
>do NOT waste your time on o.j. until it closes above maybe 117?
>why you ask?
>oh, it's a big secret,ya, but i'll expose it (this is called sarcasm in
>case you don't know).  
>common sense and charts!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>LOOK at the "monthly" going back to 1990, notice anything?
>seriously, take a look, what jumps out and bites you in the butt?
>draw a line from the 1990 high down and across touching the 1996 high,
>continue that line.  where does that put the down trend line in mid/late
>around 117.
>also notice the 1993/1997 lows around 65 ----  "double-bottom"
>how can anyone not see that?
>do you want me to write this in late 1998, early 1999 and call it
>i think not.
>just anticipate the anticipated anticipation.(AAA)
>make money and prepare to be bored!
>this is EXACTLY what i will do.  you may or may not chose to do this, i
>don't really care.  
>I just hate it when i see people waste thousands on garbage.
>instead of wasting your next 2500 on garbage, risk it on o.j. only if it
>closes above 117.
>Common sense:(cs)
>cs#1-  it will break an 8 1/2year down trend lines
>cs#2- it will break an 8 1/2 year down trend line!!!
>cs#3- refer to cs #1 and #2
>cs#4- hurricane alley (florida) soon (i know florida does NOT have a large
>% of the world's supply, but still)
>cs#5- "freeze" scare most people "AAA"(anticipate....) this starts as early
>as sept. which makes this a great self-fulfilling-prophecy
>so if we break above 117 the next target would be 135-140(who knows, with a
>"deep freeze maybe we will see 2$ again)
>again, you may become very bored waiting for this and riding it up.
>here's what i would do
>i do not believe in stops or 5% stop loss
>i would buy at 117 or higher and use a mental stop at 109 or so (roughly
>$1200 stop per contract)
>for every 10k i would buy 2 oj's
>(if we went to 137 and i was happy, wouldn't i be up 60%, what about up to
>yes, a 24% stop
>why not?
>the odds are in my favor
>what would you do, use a 2-5% stop, and get stopped out 5 times, then your
>now down 24% too.
>based on what i have explained above isn't it worth it?
>if you are a broker and i pay $20flat, and ride 2 from 117 to 137, then i
>make $6,000
>for every 10k invested the broker gets about $4 of the $20.
>Recap:  I would make $6,000.
>            the broker would make $8.
>or, give 2,500 to some con-artist...........hmmmmmmmmm.........
>(can you tell i dislike brokers and vendors yet)
>I got a series 3 on my own a few years ago, self-educated on everything,
>i will NEVER be a broker.  Maybe a CPO if i can build up a good track
>record and only get a percentage of the "profits" and invest a large
>portion of my own money.
>other than that, i will just be quietly making my observations/comments.   
>and i seriously want all your comments............(to rt and me)
>sorry to dissapoint people who are willing to spend thousands on secrets
>and systems, this observation is FREE, and when the "hindsight" becomes
>just that, we will see how basic common sense once again out wits secrets
>and systems.
>p.s. it's my birthday today (august 3rd, 11:30 pm here)
>guess how old i am...........
>> From: Alan Sears <asears@xxxxxxxx>
>> To: RealTraders Discussion Group <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Subject: Re: TRADERS: Sep OJ-Sears charts
>> Date: Monday, August 03, 1998 6:24 PM
>> >Could you kindly explain each one that you show here, how you use it,
>> >you use it in the way that you do
>> I have no idea, that's the way my 'puter draws 'em 
>> others are very secret indicators and I cannot discuss them
>> and some are basic indicators, covered in various issues of TASC
>> look 'em up and read em.
>> >why you do not use something else.
>> Like a dinner fork or a pitchfork ?  <G>
>>  Also please show under what conditions
>> >you would ignore it. 
>> Sorry, sworn to secrecy
>> >In cases of fib numbers kinldy show which points you are using and why
>> >are not using the many other points to choose from.
>> I dont see any fib numbers, do you ?
>> >Then lets get to reality...besides floor traders, people with great
>> >and perpetual victims why would anyone want to trade OJ?
>> Why not ?
>> Do pitchforks not work on OJ ?