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A Real Virus

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McAee has confirmed that the CIH virus, created in June, is not detected
or cleaned by the the version we use at xxx.  This virus can affect a
PC's BIOS and Hard Drive if the computer is left on, or turned on,
Sunday the 26th.  There is a low probability of infection, however, to
protect your machine, please be sure all PC's are turned off Sunday.
Protecting your home PC's is also advised......bs

For additional information:


First off, it is called the CIH virus and it is very real and very
serious. This virus was created approx. mid June and is the first of
it's kind. The virus specifically targets a chip in a PC that controls
the "booting up" of the PC. The virus actually attacks this chip and
erases all data stored there. The result, the PC will no longer boot.
The second thing that the virus attacks is your hard drive.  In a nut
shell, it erases all data stored on your PC. Both the PC and hard drive
are repairable, but still a headache any way you look at it.

The virus is set to kick off on the 26th day of every month. Currently
there isn't anything out there that can clean the virus.
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<!-- Vignette Sat Jul 25 10:35:43 1998 -->



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<TR><TD ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP><FONT FACE="VERDANA,HELVETICA,ARIAL" SIZE="-1"><IMG SRC="/zdtv/graphics/cybercrime/alsoonzdtv_header.gif" ALT="also on zdtv.com" VSPACE=5><BR><A HREF=/zdtv/cda/index/0,2073,2121967-2103621.00.html TARGET=_top>Running Symantec</A>
<BR><A HREF=/zdtv/cda/index/0,2073,2121893-2103874.00.html TARGET=_top>The Mother of all Viruses </A>



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<H3>Guarding Against CIH</H3>

	<B>How to save your computer from the mother of all viruses.</B><BR>

	<FONT SIZE="-1">By Jim Louderback<BR></FONT>
So you're worried about the CIH virus, and you want to ensure that you are protected, and safe. Good for you. 

Here are a couple of ways to ensure that your system remains safe:
<OL><LI>If you have an antivirus program, make sure you download the latest set of virus strings from your vendor. Also make sure that your virus vendor detects, and disinfects, the CIH virus. Once you've downloaded the latest set of virus strings, rerun your antivirus program, and if you're infected, remove the infection.
<LI>If you don't have a virus program, or your subscription is not current, Symantec has provided a special version of its DOS-based scanner and disinfector. However, to use it, you must have a DOS boot-up disc that is free of viruses, and write-protected. In fact, everyone should have one of these disks in case of a virus emergency. In a pinch, your Windows 95 recovery disk will work, but don't use your Windows 98 recovery disk, because it may well be CIH infected. To download and run the Symantec program, <A HREF=/zdtv/cda/index/0,2073,2121967-2103621.00.html TARGET=_top>follow these steps</A>.
<LI>If you do not have an antivirus program, and you do not have a clean DOS disk, all is not lost. Simply refrain from turning your computer on this Sunday, July 26. Then keep coming back to zdtvnews.com, or watch ZDTV News. We are working on developing a universal scanner and disinfection program that will work on all Windows 95 and 98 computers, even if you don't have a clean DOS disk. That program will be available sometime in the next few weeks, before the next scheduled date for CIH to activate-- August 26.



<!-- Vignette Tue Jun 23 16:52:56 1998 -->
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<!-- Vignette Mon Jul 27 21:05:05 1998 -->

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In a message dated 98-07-27 17:00:39 EDT, OnWingsofEagles@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

 Amidst all the gloom and doom "Crash" emails received in my Inbox over the
weekend, two lone rangers - Bob Roeske and Clyde Lee - caught this bounce
beautifully.  >>

My hat off to Bob and Clyde as well. 

Not to sound my own horn but....

From:	TQuinn211
To:	TQuinn211, realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

In a message dated 98-07-25 19:08:45 EDT, I wrote:

This is a repost as I have no record of the original coming through. 
BTW I am not in the market crash camp.

Some exerpts frpm the original post.

The outlook?

The channels would need to turn down and or the moving average would need to
stay below the channels for at least three days before I would call the
primary trend as being down.

The low of Friday is very close to the top of the trading range that existed
between April and early June(546-548)  so I would expect any downward price
movement to find support at these levels. I do expect these numbers to act as
support for at least a trading bounce into a  trading range.
So i am planning to buy the dips and sell the rallies.

And if the market does surprise us traders, it would be to the upside over the
next two to 4 weeks.

Comments/Observations always appreciated.

Terry Quinn

My view of a trading range similar to April/May remains unchanged.

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