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Re: DOW Boy Scout

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What I am really after are actual, physical, real live action tangibles
to be exploited in the event the Future Markets/Shorting become as
discredited and possibly unfunctional as a crash could deliver.  

In other words, what products or services could possibly benefit and
grow from a general economic contraction as severe as the Great

And because of the current ongoing deflation in raw materials, the
metals would not be a good area of investment either.
> > What would be good (I mean an increase in value) investments, stocks,
> >  companies or otherwise, in a full-fledge Bear Market of major
> >  porportions????
> Short the various stocks,  short the Dow Jones Futures, or E-Mini futures, or
> buy puts on any and all of the above.     The what is easy.  The trick is the