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Re: Win 98

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I've been using Linux for a few years now.It is a full featured 'clone'
of the well know Unix family of operating systems.Linux is very stable,
very fast and leaves any version of M$ operating systems gasping for
mercy in these areas.However, Win 9x/NT are much more useful to users
who just want to 'use' their computers.By this I mean that Windoze has
an enormous amount of off the shelf software avaliable.Users generally
dont have to know how all of the bits and pieces work to actually use
the system.Linux requires more knowledge of computing to set up and
use.You have to know how to 'kick the box' to make things work.It's
fantastic if you like to play around with computers and software, but
forget it if you just want to do a spreadsheet or chart some stock

Much of the software in the Unix/Linux world is free, however its very
much aligned to the scientific and engineering areas.This is changing,
things are getting better, but I'd still put Linux into the techo camp
at the moment.

Melbourne Australia.

William L. Mabee wrote:

>  Have not changed to windows 98. Did buy threeversions of Windows NT
> over the past few years.Never got any of the NT systems fully
> operational.Had help from many experienced users. Eventhough 95
> crashes (locks up) from time to timedon't plan to buy another MSFT
> product untilits been out for several years. Have given considerable
> thought to swithing toa public domain operating system. Thinkits
> called Linux. Anyone have any experiencewith it.

  • References:
    • Win 98
      • From: William L. Mabee