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Join the Interview in Progress: Ask Mark Douglas NOW!

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Ask  yourself this:

--Do you ever make stupid mistakes in trading and lose money in 
the process? 
--Do you have look back on your past trades and find that you 
can see not logic or reason to what you've done? 
--Do you lose money because you can't follow your own trading rules?

If so--or if you have any other psychological "hang-ups," you 
need to participate in the our Interview with Mark Douglas. 
Mark Douglas is the author of best selling book The Disciplined 
Trader and his latest work Trading in the Zone. In talking with 
Mark the past few days, I've been impressed by the originality 
and brilliance of many of his ideas. 

If you have questions for Mark Douglas about mental discipline 
of  trading, send them via email to:


The interview will be posted in its entirety on the RealTraders 
website in the next few days.

Please be aware of the following conditions:

Mark has informed me that he will make every effort to answer 
all questions. But a major challenge when dealing with 
psychological issues is their complexity. Some questions may 
require answers that are simply beyond the practical scope of 
this interview format. A brief answer can cause more harm than 
good because it has to be addressed from all angles in order to 
truly help a trader what he needs to do. Questions that fall 
into this category are going to best addressed by Mark's books, 
attending one of his seminars, or talking to Mark himself.

Profitable trading,
Eddie Kwong
Real trader since 1976

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