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DTN wait & see?

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On Sun, 31 May 1998 07:43:05 -0600 you wrote:

>As I remember BMI, had service restored late in the second trading day via
a minor dish shift to G3. >While DTN switched most of their customers to G3
at the same time, DTN was unable to use G3 for >realtime customers. I have
to admit that I wondered about my choice of DTN vs BMI as DTN >diddled
around for several more days finding a solution for their realtime
customers. Then DTN moved >into real action: they overnighted instructions
by UPS Saturday delivery and I had two phone calls >from DTN support over
the holiday weekend, one on Saturday and one on Monday.

I am on DTN Realtime using the D7000 unit.   I never received a telephone
call, nor any correspondence from DTN advising me what to do. Indeed, I
simply followed the advice posted here on RT and just shifted to G3, and it
worked hours ahead of a notice which DTN later posted on its telephone call
in line.

So DTN does not impress me with a timely responsiveness toward its
customers in this case.

You also stated, 

>DTN diddled around for several more days finding a solution for their
realtime customers. Then DTN >moved into real action... 

Can you read between the lines?  DTN diddles for days during a crisis.
Perhaps a few CUSTOMERS decide to leave? Perhaps a few hundred???  Then,

Whoopee. After dragging its feet for days about providing a straight answer
to its customers, DTN desperately tries to save its own butt from going
down the drain. I think DTN's true attitude toward their clients might be
revealed by the timing of their actions.

I hope this incident causes some needed soul searching at DTN. And maybe
some corporate housecleaning.

So, I am put out by their behavior, but I also chose to hang in there, and
now have my fingers and toes crossed.
Reason: DTN carries exclusive intraday statistics and indicators relevant
to the S&P market that no other vendor intends to carry. I've asked the
other vendors. Ain't going to happen.
