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Re: investment champ

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>Walt, well done!
>To win such a competition, do you have to trade in a way that
>you never would with real money?
>Do you have to be extremely aggressive, "betting the farm" rather
>than cautiously preserving capital for the longer term? Is that
>part of what is required to have such high gains in such a short
>Or were you able to trade the way you normally would?
>Also, the email subject/title should really be "Trading Champ" rather
>than "Investment Champ", right? You must have traded very well!
Hi Neal,

Good question! <g>. I saw both styles during the competition. Most of
the "bet the farm" guys blew out  . Trading was in a diversified
portfolio and no position was held more than a week and a half.

For myself, I traded the way I always do. My Max DD in the competition was
about 14,000 against 79,000 in profits, meaning a 5.64 - 1 risk to reward
ratio, which is o.k.

The trick isn't in winning. The trick is *not losing* .
Not only do I not like to bet the farm, I don't even like to bet the
barn. <g>

Walt Downs
CIS trading