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Re: SYSTEMS/Discipline

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Gwenn Ael Gautier wrote:

> Hi all!
> Discipline is step one of trading. No discipline, no results, however you look
> at it. Try whatever you want, if you don't apply discipline, it cannot work,
> period...........
> - Important is to reward oneself regularly for remaining 100% disciplined,
> whether you made money or not. Positive reinforcement should be focused on
> remaining disciplined.
> What else?
> - Once you are 100% disciplined, and could not think of doing things otherwise,
> you can start thinking of using intuition which you will have noticed along the
> way.
> - Intuition is just another system, for which you also need 100% discipline. So
> don't start using that until you can trust yourself you are 100% disciplined NO
> MATTER WHAT. This is the hardest part of all. Most fail because they start
> here. Start with the easy part first, which is follow a mechanical system which
> is easily verifiable.
> Conclusion:
> - Once you have the discipline and master intuition, you are in business. It
> does not mean you will make money, but it means you know what you are doing.
> ........
> Best to all of you!
> Gwenn Ael Gautier


You've done a nice job one this one.  I truely hope that all novice traders should
read this post a few times and think about what Gwenn was trying to convey.  Yes,
the intuition part is the hardest to come by, but it WILL come in due course.
Being disciplined is good but  not enough.  The NATURAL development of being
intuitive is an edge in itself.  Regards.

Have a good one
Jeff Harteam
Hong Kong