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RE: Source for C++ compiler

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Your message sparked some thoughts about various options you may know about 
or not know about.  I have been a programmer for a long time.  I have 
wrriten software for TS and I'm sure, been through the same things you're 
going through now.  My comments are interspered in your message below.

Good Luck,

-----Original Message-----
From:	Jay Mackro [SMTP:jmackro@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent:	Tuesday, March 24, 1998 2:22 PM
To:	omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx; realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject:	Source for C++ compiler

OK, so this request isn't directly related to trading.  It's kind
of a computer question, so if you're that crabby subscriber who
always asks "how does this help ME make more money?", this is your
cue to reply with a flame.

Now, for the rest of you... I'm trying to learn C++, and have purchased
one of those "Teach Yourself" books.  Naturally, you need a C++ compiler
and program editor to do the exercises - any recommendations as to which
is best/cheapest.  And, I'm afraid that the latter attribue may be the
more important to me right now.  Any web sites where I can download a
compiler, say a demo version?

Unfortunately, the dominant C++ compiler I have been exposed to is Visual 
C++ from Microsoft.  It is the standard in the industry which contains all 
the windows API and tools (ie MFC) you will need to create professional 
applications. There's the Borland C++ compiler but hardly anybody uses that 
anymore. Most companies I would imagine believe that no one can do C++ 
better than Microsoft?  I don't think there are too many companies willing 
to take on Microsoft.  Borland tried but lost.  I've worked for many large 
companies as a contract software engineer (Intel, HP, Sharp, Tektronix) and 
without exception they ALL use Visual C++.

For you to learn anything else would put you at a severe disadvantage.  As 
a contractor I'm in tune with what the prorgamming needs are of companies 
in the Silcon Forest region of the country.  99.99% of them want Visual C++ 
experience.  I know that you don't like the idea but if I were you I'd use 
Microsoft's compiler.  It's really quite a nice program though the 
professional version is a bit pricey.  If that's too much money here are 
your options

1. Buy the professional version through a friend at a college for pennies 
on the dollar.
2. Buy the non professional version

In the event that I need to buy something, whose product is good for a
beginner?  I don't want something that: 1) cost $600, 2) will take more
time to install and learn than it takes me to learn C++, and 3) enriches
Bill Gates.

Again, I think that a beginner should start learning on standard in the 
industry which is Visual C++.  There should be entry level editions of the 
compiler that start at around $129.

But you have another option.  It's the option that I actually perfer over 
writing C code.  There is a very good compiled BASIC called PowerBasic.  It 
gives you access to the entire machine (pointers, stack, registers) and 
even sports an inline assembler all in a BASIC language.  It's perfect for 
writing those DLL's that TS requires without the extreme HASSLE of writing 
C code.  It gives you complete access to the windows API.  It generates 
tight code that is on aveage 30% faster in execution than Visual Basic.

The only drawback is that it doesn't have the kind of UI design features 
that VB has.  In PB you use the Windows API to do UI stuff.  Thus a good 
approach would be to write the UI in VB and write the time-critical code in 

Also, I know that TS5 will support calls from VB 5 or later.  Microsoft is 
making Visual Basic a strong competitor with C++, believe it or not.  It 
generates native code that executes 20% faster than regular interpreted VB 
code.  This is what I'm using because it greatly speeds development time. 
 TS4.0 does NOT support VB calls.  You have to use a native DDE written in 
C++ or PowerBasic.

You can checkout PowerBasic at www.powerbasic.com

All of this advice does little to get past your disdain for Bill Gates but 
I think that if you want to maximize your return on your investment of 
time, right now you would do well to go with Microsoft all the way.  They 
rule the complier indsutry and will probably continue to do so for a long 

Thanks helping a fellow trader who's just trying to make a few bucks
on the side by doing some contract programming.

Jay Mackro