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Re: Dividend Clipping

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> From: Stu <stu@xxxxxxxxxx>
> To: RealTraders Discussion Group <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Dividend Clipping
> Date: Saturday, January 10, 1998 8:06 AM
> Hi Gang,
> About 2 yeatrs ago I heard an oldtimer talking about buying a natural
> gas stock just prior to ex-dividend date thereby capturing about 7% per
> year in dividends.  In addition, there was a tax advanatage with respect
> to that industry.  Does anyone out there know about timing dividends
> and/or favorable tax consequences with gas stocks?
> Good trading,
> Stu


Don't fall for this gimmick.  

When a stock goes ex dividend, the price is automatically adjusted to
refect the dividend amount.  Your ownership interest is proportionatly
reduced and you end up with a little cash.

Check it out for yourself.

Yankee Trader