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I apologize to anyone on the list who finds this thread out of place.  I
don't know how it started, but I do think it has some trading relevancy
given the markets probable response to any significant revelations about
this presidency.

Arnold Thompson wrote:
> I have watched the Clinton attacks thru the years and am getting very
> concerned. It appears that a core group of Republicans were mad that
> they did not win the election.  Since then, any means possible has been
> used to discredit and paralyze the Presidency.

What can you be concerned about?  This President has gotten more free
passes from the media and the American public than any I am aware of. 
It appears he can do anything he wants with complete immunity.
Also, I would love to know the basis for your accusations.  This sounds
more like a James Carvill sound bite than a statement of fact.

> The public opinion polls show that the majority of the people see this
> and do not like the mean spiritedness and total lack of verification in
> the Republican attacks.

With all due respect to the American public, counting ill-informed noses
strikes me as a poor way to substantiate your own opinions.  As to
verification, if he did not control the Justice Dept and tragically much
of the media, the facts that are not disputed by either side would be
enough to discredit him.

> I believe the near shut down of the government during the budget battle
> a major morally offensive act.  Here was another case of not having the
> votes and trying an underhanded threat to the President to get thier
> way.  In the end, the public is the one who would have been affected.
> The Speaker Gingrich almost lost his head in a coup.

It was inept, but hardly original.  Democratic congresses have done the
same in the past under Republican presidents, but I guess that was
morally justified.  The fact that it is perceived differently just
reflects the average Clinton supporters' lack of historical context and
lack of understanding of the American political process.

> So what if we got some accusations, rumors and inuendos.  This is
> getting tiring and I wish Clinton would fight back with some fire like
> firing the Special Prosecutor.  The markets obviously do not care
> either.  Does that means that traders are getting wise too?

In all of the cases where he has been accused Clinton could have fought
back with facts.  Instead his denials are filled with legal loopholes,
files disappear, he goes to court claiming immunity, he repeatedly
ignores subpoenas, key witnesses take the 5th or refuse to show up
altogether, the Justice Dept. refuses immunity requests, etc.  These are
not the acts of an innocent man wrongly accused.  The markets response
to this remains to be seen.