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GEN: Asian Trading the US market LIVE!

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Jack Hutchison wrote:
> ----------
> > From: Patrick Slevin <pslevin@xxxxxxxx>
> > To: RealTraders Discussion Group <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > Subject: Re: GEN:  Asian Trading the US market LIVE!
> > Date: Wednesday, January 21, 1998 7:06 AM
> >
> > My experience with satellite feed was a short lived nightmare.I had an
> > FM feed for many years but when BMI said they would phase it out I went
> > to satellite.
> >
> > You may not have the problems in Asia I had. Whenever there was a heavy
> > cloud cover it went out...evidently due to ice in the clouds. A neighbor
> > had a dish from PC quote and rarely went out, but he had backup T1 lines
> > anyway. My DSS dish rarely had problems. Just the dish for BMI.
> >
> > Anyway, now both I and my neighbor have chucked the dish for cable
> > modems. Cable modems of course, require you to have access to a cable
> > line. If you have fiber-optic you can get very high speeds. Otherwise
> > the standard DBC boxes work as well or better than satellites.
> >
> > --PJS
> >
> > _________________________________________________________
> Patrick,
> I receive realtime quotes from PQQuote and BMI, both using satallite
> dishes.  Here in Houston both dishes, which are virtually identical -- same
> manufacturer, were pointed to the Galaxy 4 satallite.  If I am not
> mistaken, this satallite covers most of the US.
> On rare occasions, maybe once a year, I have lost both signals due to upper
> atmosphere disturbances, such as severe thunderstorms and hailstorms.  (I
> can tell you that flooding in Houston is common and we sometimes get hail
> the size of marbles.)  Water attenuates the signal.
> I believe that the reason your BMI box went out is because of a weak signal
> due to improperly tuned sat dish.  This is easy to fix and requires no
> talent.  Apparently, the PCQuote dish you refered to was properly tuned.
> The folks at BMI could have helped you with the problem.
> Jack Hutchison


I'd like to think so but such was not the case. I would check it, with a
portable telephone and on a clear day with the aid of a BMI tech on the
other end of the telephone. Tuned it as well as we could. 

One difference was, the PC Quote dish is the 18" Cu Band (I think that's
the correct term) and the BMI was the one meter Ku Band.I don't think it
was a Galaxy 4, but I'm in North Jersey and the satellite was in the
direction of Philadelphia. So if you drew a line it would put the bird
anyway from over Philly to New Orleans. I don't know if that's where G-4
is but that's where this one is.

So perhaps it was the less sophisticated dish that they sent. In any
event, I would go 'out' for periods up to 24 hours on an average of 5 to
10% of the time. The cable modem has gone out for a total of perhaps 20
minutes in about 5 or 6 months. Even compared to your experience, I
cannot fault the reliability of this device.