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Re: Mechanical Trading

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Dear Russ,                                                                     None of the systems are black box per others more knowledgeable than me. Since my only criteria is whether something works,it does not make any difference to me.                                                              Mechanically yours,                                                              John

------------------ Reply Separator --------------------
Originally From: TWA7663 <TWA7663@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Mechanical Trading
Date: 01/18/98 06:06pm


Which of the systems have system rules available to code in Easy Language?
IOW, I don't want a black box.

Which of these systems use tick/intraday bars for backtesting versus daily
bars.  I am a short term trader that usually uses 5 minute bars as my shortest


Dear Paul,  I believe I have sent you info prior but to keep this subject
going here it is:
1.The one I trade with most of my assets cost $16,500 and I have made 10 times
that in the past year.Most people won't pay this much an would rather spend
their own time to develop trheir own trading method.
                        2. Futures Pro-cost $895.Ipicked their top 10 markets
and am now selecting the best ones to smoothe my equity curve.
3.Trend Reflections-It looked strong on hisrorical but I was disappointed in
real time.                                               4.Professional
Advantage Day Trader-cost$3300  Iam currently in a draw down with this but
still profitable.                                 5.Bob Buran's various
systems-cost$800.A good system if you have the insight of a real trader.
If I were starting over and had limited capital I would start with Futures
Pro. They have a good website if you care to search.I hope this helps.