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Re: Mechanical Trading

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Dear Paul,  I believe I have sent you info prior but to keep this subject going here it is:                                                                     1.The one I trade with most of my assets cost $16,500 and I have made 10 times that in the past year.Most people won't pay this much an would rather spend their own time to develop trheir own trading method.
                        2. Futures Pro-cost $895.Ipicked their top 10 markets and am now selecting the best ones to smoothe my equity curve.                         3.Trend Reflections-It looked strong on hisrorical but I was disappointed in real time.                                               4.Professional Advantage Day Trader-cost$3300  Iam currently in a draw down with this but still profitable.                                 5.Bob Buran's various systems-cost$800.A good system if you have the insight of a real trader.                                   If I were starting over and had limited capital I would start with Futures Pro. They have a good website if you care to search.I hope this helps.                                                                                      Mechanically yours,                                                               John                                                      

------------------ Reply Separator --------------------
Originally From: Paul Cote <cote@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Mechanical Trading
Date: 01/18/98 08:13am


What systems do you trade? I don't know of any mechanical trading
systems, but I would like to try some.

Paul Cote

John Cappello wrote:
> To mechanical & system traders:                                                                  I started trading commodities last year after I purchased several systems. I was very profitable in 1997 and have started 1998 in a profitable mode. I am always looking at new systems in an attempt to smoothe out my equity curve.                                                                                                                   The purpose of my post is to start a thread whereby those of you who trade a mechanical system will share your results as I have previously shared mine and am willing todo so again.                                                                                                                                                                  I look forward to hearing from any of you either on this forum or privately.                                                                             Mechanically yours,                                 !
> !
>                       John