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Possible Elliott Wave Status of the Market

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To:  Elliott Wave Real Traders and all others who may be interested:

As I see the current status of this market, one interpretation seems to be
as follows:

     We are now in intermediate W5 of primary W3 with Oct 97 low being
intermediate W4.  This would put us into an intermediate 5th wave advance
in primary W3. 

     If this is the case, that would now put us in minor Wl of intermediate
W5 of primary W3, which most likely will end shortly, followed by minor W2
(a correction near year end) followed by minor W3 up likely to start off
the new year.   After minor W4 and W5 are completed we should see the end
of intermediate W5 ending Primary W3 and a significant Bear market to follow.

     This Bear market (l998) should be primary W4 which would then be
followed by primary W5 (strong up) which would then end Cycle W5 which
would then usher in a very large Cycle A-B-C correction, ending somethime
in the next millennium.  Hope we are all here for the show!

     Any comments from others following the wave formation and patterns of
this historic bull market.

Kind regards,
