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Fw: People that are trading for a living

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Hi Group:
I see you are talking about trading for a living. I have traded for about 25
years now...about 15 of that I have traded only my own account.....all of
this time has been on a trading floor. I am in the transition to trade off
of the floor. A very big transition I might add. For those of you who are
hopeful to trade full time let me suggest what has worked for me. First, the
most important work that you can do is on yourself. This includes all area
of your life. If you do not listen to tapes (motivational) then I would
suggest Zig Ziglar and Tony Robbins....If you get Tony Robbins, order the
CD's. They can be played on your PC first thing in the morning. Working on
your self includes getting in great physical shape and staying
there.....when you are in shape you feel better, think better, and trade
better.....when you make mistakes, you handle stress better.
Second, find someone near you who does trade for a living.....and buy him
dinner at a really expensive restaurant.....consider this an investment in
yourself. Ask him what he does, what he or she looks at, what markets to
trade, when, why, size, risk.
If you hit it off, ask this person to Mentor you......you would be surprised
how many traders are willing to share. It is a lonely business, and this is
a way a trader can give something in return. This will be the best
investment that you can make because you may be able to shave years off of
the learning curve. The successful trader has already paid his dues
(literally). Add some of his experience to yours.
Look inside yourself and find out how you really handle risk. If you are
risk adverse maybe you are climbing the wrong tree. There are other great
ways to make money.
If you are really committed and have taken the other steps, then you are
ready in my mind to begin the journey. This is a life long trip that will
take up part of your thinking capacity 24 hours a day for the rest of your
Every trader is different. What works for me might not work for you. Our
ability to handle different levels of risk and stress are different. In the
end, you must search for the key that will work for you. There are many
techniques that will add insight but only trading will add experience.
I believe that your mind is like a computer. Feed the data in , and the
answer will eventually pop out. When you are glued to the box for hours on
end, you are feeding data into your built in computer. Your subconscience
is working on finding answers to questions 24 hours a day. Kind of like a
TSR program. Be sure that you are asking yourself the right questions !
Wishing you all the best
Denis Cattani

From: Varouj Abrahamian <VaroujYA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: RealTraders Discussion Group <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sunday, December 07, 1997 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: People that are trading for a living

>Were you a part time trader before 1991?
>How much capital did you start with?
>What market's do you trade?
>I've been trading part time since 1993, but haven't been able to make the
>transition to full time trader yet (My Goal).
>> From: Patrick Slevin <pslevin@xxxxxxxx>
>> To: RealTraders Discussion Group <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Subject: Re: People that are trading for a living
>> Date: Friday, December 05, 1997 6:45 PM
>> I was uncertain as to whether or not I should reply.
>> I trade for a living....took a seminar with Larry McMillan...visited
>> trading floors from Chicago to NY to London......got most of my skills
>> from Hank Camp. I have traded for a living since 1991. How successful am
>> I? Well I'm still here after 6 years and I support a family of 5.
>> I don't know how or if this helps....but there ya go
>> --PJS
>> Brent Aston wrote:
>> >
>> > Wes,
>> >         As long as we are guessing I've heard only about 10% of traders
>> > consistantly win. I've also heard only 5% make livings and 1% get lucky
>> > hits. So for this group of "Real Traders" maybe 6%. If you read about
>> > professional traders you find out that most have paid their "dues".
>> > many have been helped by an experienced trader at some point.
>> >
>> > Brent
>> >
>> > ----------
>> > > From: wes blake <amerskin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> > > To: realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> > > Subject: Re: People that are trading for a living
>> > > Date: Friday, December 05, 1997 9:30 AM
>> > >
>> > > Hey group,
>> > >
>> > > I mostly listen and observe the comments on realtraders, I really do.
>> > > I'm wondering what percent of this group do ya'll think trades for a
>> > > living-I'm just curious.
>> > >