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Re: Gen:Mkt Fix

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Terence you are probably right, my thinking is probably flawed.   I have no
basis in fact for my comments, just observations in real time.  If it looks
like a duck ,   walks like a duck,  Quacks like a duck, it is probably a
duck.   I would point out to you, that a good attorney or strategist doesn't
tell you anything  until they think they have all of their basis covered.
  Would the federal government show their hand  as it relates to market
manipulation if they thought it would weaken their efforts.   I would suggest
there is a lot we don't know about how the market forces work precisely
because those in control want the advantage.   The Hunt Silver trading would
be a good example of correcting a perceived problem once it got out of
control.   The government just changed the rules.    That is how government
works.   They tell you how things are going to work, and then at their
convenience, change the rules to make sure the markets continue to work for
the benefit of the majority.   Tax code would be a good example.

Remember, clinton is the guy who replaced the federal judges  in mass because
he was going to have the most ethical administration in history.   With
perfect hindsight, I would suggest he took a little protection, based upon
how he planned to operate as president of those united states.   Hillary's
cattle trading had to do with a political payoff if you ask me.   A typical
clinton deal.   When he got to washington, it has been more of the same just
at a higher level.   So these guys are capable of manipulative activity
regardless of the law.   

If as you say clinton found out how exposed he was to the bond traders, I
would suggest, that based on how I thing he operates, he would have addressed
this issue for the reasons I expressed in my comments.   He wants to be in
complete control. Lawyers appear to operate above the law in this
administration.   When it gets to hot for them, they don't want to go to
jail,  then the lawyers move on, or get depressed and shoot themselves.   A
couple didn't get out quick  enough, and went to jail.   Webb Hubble comes to

They have probably put together a phony poll, looked to see if they could
have gotten the publics support, and  then made the changes they thought
would bail out the stock market if it got in trouble.
If you own the federal judiciary, then if you play the game of politics (
they make the laws and then the laws they make don't apply to them.   The
recent flap over fund raising would be a typical example )  by pressing the
edges of the envelop,   some would say by breaking the law,  you have no
consequences of your actions.   They tried to do good would be their line.
  The american public would just look the other way.

I would suggest that the market is bigger than their attempts to manipulate
the events of history, so the stock market will do what it will do sooner or

I for one thinks the stock market will not make significant upside progress
till we go through a period of sideways to down movement for a period of 6 to
12 months.    
I would suggest you watch the weekly bond chart, when it is in a  parabolic
sell signal, the suprises will be on the downside.

Jim Peeke