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Vickers Insider Report Info

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Some time ago I wrote the following and I did not get any replies.I have
since found out more about sources for the report and some articles that
mention it.

Web articles



This one includes the following -

"Vickers Stock Research is available online on Quote.com, where a
package for $14.95 a
month will get you access to Vickers' insider trading analysis. Or you
can tie directly into the Vickers database for $75 a year plus $1.50 a
minute. The Vickers Weekly Insider Report,managed by Coleman, is
available for $175 a year. Insider trading analysis developed by Vickers
and others is often available through brokers and bankers. The company
is developing its own web site, said Tom Britt, the director of investor
relations services.(800)-645-5043".

My note - you get a bunch of other stuff in the package from Quote.com
as well.

Todays Australian Financial Review - Brian Hale's article says that the
current numbers are very negative for the Stock Indexes in the USA.

Does anyone have any feedback for the group on the use of these kind of
"insider figures" in general or Vickers Report in particular.

Comments/feedback requested.


Chris Jackson wrote:
> Message from TRADERS list..........
> Does anyone have access to Vickers Weekly Insider Report - David
> Coleman.I believe brokerage houses and the like get it.Perhaps your
> broker gets it.
> He has a method of tracking insider trades that has given some excellent
> signals in the past.
> 1987 - ratio rose for 10th week in a row(that was easier to spell than
> successive :>)to the end of Sept,Coleman was waving caution flags all
> over the place.
> Ratio fell to a level rarely seen in the past 20 years.Followed by a run
> up from 3750 on the Dow to 4500 in 4 months.
> I have only read about it from here in Australia so people in the US
> might find this information easier to find.
> Does anybody use Insider info as part of their analysis?
> At some stage I also found a good article on Insider Trading - the legal
> kind - on the web via a search.
> Comments/feedback requested.
> I have no association with Vickers .....
> Thanks,
> Chris Jackson