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Re: fut: MOTW SnP

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 Traders, don't get confused with semantics.

There is no change as to my original CYCLE analysis that I am expecting a
top during this time period. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean it has to happen,
right? Cycles are really good tools and I do use it to help me figure out
whether to expect a top or bottom when an Fdate arrives. Works great when
your FDate is an outside day, making both a higher high and lower low. I
then have a good idea which way to go.

But you cannot get hung up on cycle data. If you expect a top and prices are
moving down, don't be stubborn.

I noticed that prices are moving downward and since we are coming up to our
turn day, I must solve for support, not resistance. If prices turn up, then
I'll look for resistance. The point is that unless you are WD Gann, you need
to find the price the market will turn by being ready for it when it

My specialty is with TIME. With price, I have to use a method that deals
with support and resistance prices that change each day as we move forward
in time. What price will Wheat be in 3 days? I can only surmise, for I do
not know.

So, say prices are going up. I will then fire up the TTC calc, enter the
date/prices of the last clear formation on the charts, and it will tell me
what are the pressure points on the way up.

EXAMPLE: Say wheat is at 350. It has been going up and today is an Fdate. We
run the TTC Formation calc and see resistance at 354, 365, 371. Okay, there
is plenty of spacing between these prices to not get confused.

Wheat goes up to 354.75 and pauses. It then starts to back off a bit. You
can wait till the close and if it holds, may consider this a low risk short
for the next day. At least you will know where to place your stop loss.

If prices had gone to 360 before closing, you can bet that their is a good
chance the top is not in yet and will go to 365 on our FD+1 (one day late,
max. allowed). You now have forecasted time and price for the next day.

So, if prices are going up, SOLVE for  RES. If going down, solve for SUP.
Don't be a sticker.


FutureSoft Publishing - The Trading Calculators (TTC)
Market Forecast Of The Week - >>>>> http://FSoftPublishing.com <<<<<

-----Original Message-----
From: Al Witko <awitko@xxxxxxxx>
To: RealTraders Discussion Group <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Friday, September 26, 1997 4:51 AM
Subject: Re: fut: MOTW SnP

>Can this Time day move begin with an massive upside exhaustion move
>I was looking at the recent coffee Time day that someone else posted
>and it seems that some markets if not most markets start the trend change
>with an exhaustion move in the opposing direction.
>If so should  the Market of the week (sp) also follow this pattern.?
>ps Are you getting introverted, your new email arrives in a font so small
>that I think im looking at a eye chart   :)
>Is anyone else having this problem?