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Re: the "wheel of GANN"

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This is call the sq9 price to price projection. The
goal of this technique is to find the numbers
that are related to each other in terms of some
angular relationship. 

The theory say, future tops and bottoms are related 
mathematically to some previous tops and bottoms.
The SQ9 price to price is one such mathematical

The angular relationship between any two numbers
is found by locating the two numbers on the
sq9 wheel, then running a straight line from each
of these numbers through the center of the wheel.
The angle that is bounded by the two straight lines 
at the point where the two lines intersected
is the angular relationship for the two numbers.

This angular relationship should be a multiple
of the following :-

       1. 180
       2.  90
       3.  45
       4.  22.5
       5.  11.25
       6.   5.625 and so on

Each of the interval is obtained by dividing
the previous number by 2. 

You must pair the correct angular relationship
with the correct vibration rate. You'll know
when you have done it incorrectly, because
the interval(in numbers) between two successive
lines would be too narrow or too wide.

.eg using the Australian SPI, on a daily
   chart, the angular relationship 
   of 90 is to be used with 1 point, 45 with
   10 points, 22.5 with 100 points and so on.

It is not necessary for the sq9 projections to 
be precise, I would consider that it had worked
if the period's price range covers some part of 
the sq9 projected lines for a reversal. 


The sq9 wheel that is widely available has the numbers 
vibrating at 1 point. This 1 point vibration is not 
always the right vibration to use even for the same market. 

Each top and bottom has to be treated differently because they
could be vibrating at different rates. Knowing the correct
vibration to use is important to the effective use of the 
sq9 projected lines.

If the sq9 projected lines have been set correctly
from a top or bottom these projected lines would represent
TRUE support and resistance, by that I mean price would
actually want to stall and/or reversed on these projected 
lines on most instances rather than only ocassionally.

If you had been using 1 point all along you would have
noticed that these projected lines would not provide 
satisfactory performance on a consistent basis except for
after the fact. Which is probably the main reason why
many users have found it difficult and reluctant
to utilise it for it's predictive quality and end of 
day/period decision making. 

We know now that we have to find the correct vibration
rate to use. The correct vibration rate to use is found 
by shifting the decimal point around, .eg .1, 1, 10, 
100, 1000.

The shifting of decimal point leads to a practical
problem. For those who have got first hand experience
in this would have noticed that this is a haphazard

Fortunately there is an easy solution, study the
chart included carefully and you will be able to 
see it.

Overall this is a very simple technique to use. 
I guess what is simple is relative to each individual.
To me it is simple because the lines are generated
automatically by a program and it takes only a few
minutes to interpret the signals.


 I'm including the following listing for your study which
 corresponds to the attached chart :-

 from bottom of 2315(major bottom), interval of 45 degrees

 2475.00 is 090.00 degrees from 2315.00 Points=10.00(minor top)
 2550.00 is 135.00 degrees from 2315.00 Points=10.00(4 points off Major
 2635.00 is 180.00 degrees from 2315.00 Points=10.00(1 point  off Swing
 2709.00 is 225.00 degrees from 2315.00 Points=10.00(minor top,
 2795.00 is 270.00 degrees from 2315.00 Points=10.00(3 points off Major
 2870.00 is 315.00 degrees from 2315.00 Points=10.00(take a guess)

 from top of 2520(major top), interval of 90 degrees

 2323.00 is 360.00 degrees from 2520.00 on the sq9 chart
 2371.00 is 090.00 degrees from 2520.00 on the sq9 chart
 2420.00 is 180.00 degrees from 2520.00 on the sq9 chart
 2470.00 is 270.00 degrees from 2520.00 on the sq9 chart
 2520.00 is 360.00 degrees from 2520.00 on the sq9 chart

 from top of 2793(major top), interval of 90 degrees

 2536.00 is 270.00 degrees from 2793.00 on the sq9 chart
 2586.00 is 360.00 degrees from 2793.00 on the sq9 chart
 2637.00 is 090.00 degrees from 2793.00 on the sq9 chart
 2689.00 is 180.00 degrees from 2793.00 on the sq9 chart
 2741.00 is 270.00 degrees from 2793.00 on the sq9 chart

 Please study them carefully.

f_pascal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> I am  french and I use as a software of translation, excuse me if
> sentences are not correct.
> I would  to know if someone  can tell me how one uses the wheel of
> GANN.I have bought the book "gann made easy" and I have not
> well understood.Can  you to help me.
> thank you for your collaboration
> Best regard
> frédéric

Attachment Converted: "c:\eudora\attach\SQ9.gif"