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ADMIN: GEN: gif or MIME format. What gives?

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  I do not know about Netscape but I do know that MSFT Internet Explorer
ver 3.x and higher WILL allow you to view .gif files and JPEG files to name
a few.  As to 'HOW TO' configure this option, I am not sure.  My Internet
explorer did it from the beginning.  If someone in the group knows the
proper method of enabling this option, would you please share it with the

John Boggio

At 02:44 PM 9/21/97 UT, David Pearson wrote:
>Apparently, some RT's receive gif files with no problem.  Others don't.  
>When I receive my own gif attached posts from the RT listserver I have no 
>problem. An icon appears in the post of the gif file. I simply double click 
>the icon and  my gif viewer opens the file.  
>I don't know how wide spread this problem is.  The obvious solution is to
>both a gif file and an encoded MIME txt file of the gif.  What a hasle.
>Is there another option?  
>By the way, I have heard that the email program in Netscape Communicator
>and the soon to be released final version of Internet Explorer 4.0 can open 
>the gif files. when the post is read.  No work around decoding to be done.  
>Is that true?  If so, then for those of you out there that can upgrade to
>latest versions, please do.  www.browsers.com (part of www.cnet.com) is a 
>great place to get unbiased infomation and evaluations.  Plus you can
>the programs from that site.
>Talk with you later,
>David "a gif is worth a thousand words" Pearson
>PS.  I didn't receive my (3 of 6) post on trendlines from the RT
>I sent it three times.  Did anybody else get it?  What gives?  Some of my 
>posts are received are some are not.
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