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Re: Fw: TRADERS_list Astro 101 course

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I have, in my many years in this business, subscribed to numerous services,
purchased  many books, and bought a lot of  software. Some of it has been
quite useful and quite a lot has been worthless.

I have also over that time period worked for and/or met many of the people
that produce these products. I always make it a point to at least talk with
the originating party of any product or service I am considering

My personal experience with Norman Winski could not be more positive. He
has always done what he said he was going to do. In fact, in one of  the
areas I consider to be most important, that of accessibility, I can't
imagine anyone being more so. You can't please everyone all the time but in
my experience Norman certainly makes the attempt.

I did not intend this to be a commercial for Norman and apologize if it has
turned out that way and I've offended anyone. It's just that I have had
years of experience with both good and bad purveyors of products to this
industry and nothing gets me more riled than some of the crap that gets
foisted off on people. When somebody with a good product or service comes
along that is genuinely interested in his clients they deserve a little
good "press", just as the shysters deserve the bad press.


Tom Alexander     

> From: Bill McCrosky <mccrosky@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: RealTraders Discussion Group <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: RE: Fw: TRADERS_list Astro 101 course
> Date: Monday, July 14, 1997 4:59 PM
> Hmmm ... SOMEONE is going to end up with his foot in his mouth ... Hope
it's Norman (just kidding, Normie).
>  So Todd, how do you conduct your podiatry business?  For example, you
> tell a patient that it will take six months of treatment to corrent
> their
> problem and then they quit after 3 months. Then they complain that you 
> didn't cure the problem, even though there is considerable evidence of
> improvement. Do you refund all of their money? Do you work for free
> even when you have done a good job and delivered on what you promised?  
>   I eagerly await your reply.
> Regards,
> Norman