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MKT - bonds

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Item Subject: Re: bonds
     Looks to me bonds are set for a mild correction next week before 
     reaching a top in upper 114 to 115.  Currently trading at the top side 
     of a channel with slow stochastics turning to sell. RSI overbought. 
     Hourly chart showing divergences.  Redbook retail sales have been 
     above 1.5% for last 5 wks - warmer weather encouraging summer buying.  
     Also, Chrysler issuing $500mln century bonds next week.  However, the 
     trend is still positive.  Wonder where the largest open interest on 
     the options will be by the end of the week.

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Subject: Re: bonds
Author:  owner-realtraders (owner-realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) at xtwn-unix-shar
Date:    7/11/97 5:12 PM

In a message dated 97-07-11 09:25:31 EDT, knight@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Walt Downs) 
<< I'm sorry, I don't see your name on the post any where,
 Bonds are nteresting. I am currently short this market. 
 It may be a few days before any type of dump though. 
 Looks to me like some large interests have "pinned" 
 Bonds to the current prices in order to profit on
 The Decay of August Bond options (expire 7/18) 
 Look for the dump a few days before or after these 
 options expire.
 Walt Downs
 CIS Trading >>
yup it culd dump. retail sales and cpi will dtermine it next week, should be 
lot of fun. Long for now.