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RE: for you all NQ traders

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For you all Esignal traders:

Well to offset those reductions, Esignal just raised CME emini data from $15
to $23
and Nymex QM data from $5 to $9. The rep said, the exchanges haven't raised
the costs have been that way for a while now (of course he said my fees have
been the same too until I corrected him);
so Esignal decided they would arificially raise the cost of exchange rates.

Maybe they are learning from Bush's oil policies that conrol our world
The rep said Esignal gave a notice last year that the rates would eventually
go up.

Maybe someday there will be some realistic Esignal competition.
But right now they are the least crooked of the crooks.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Abhijit Dey [mailto:omegalist@xxxxxxxxxx] 
> Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 12:48 AM
> To: Omega-List
> Subject: for you all NQ traders
> I missed this... till today, that is. NQ minmove drops from 
> $10 to $5 on 2006/04/02.
> http://www.cme.com/files/Chadv06-55.pdf
> Abhijit