PureBytes Links
Trading Reference Links
I went into power editor to view - options- and unchecked the (unable smart
endent)which is the only option with a check mark and I still get the
invalid floating point flag. Could there be any thing
else we are over looking? the trendline strategy that comes with ts works,
but this one doesn't.
It does verify. I have posted it below just for the heck of it.
Price( cci(14) ),
SwHiStrength( 4 ),
SwLoStrength( 4 ),
BarsPast( 10 ),
History( "Yes" ),
DnTLColor( Green ),
UpTLColor( Red ),
AlertType( "IntraBar" ) ;
DnTLRef( -1 ),
DnTLEndBar( 0 ),
DnTLBreak( false ),
DnTLColorNum( DnTLColor ),
UpTLRef( -1 ),
UpTLEndBar( 0 ),
UpTLBreak( false ),
UpTLColorNum( UpTLColor ),
Index( 0 ),
BarNum( 0 ),
HistoryTF( false ),
AlertTypeCAPS( UpperStr( AlertType ) ) ;
SwHiDate[10]( 0 ),
SwHiTime[10]( 0 ),
SwHiVal[10]( -1000000 ),
SwLoDate[10]( 0 ),
SwLoTime[10]( 0 ),
SwLoVal[10]( 1000000 ) ;
if CurrentBar = 1 then
HistoryTF = UpperStr( History ) = "YES" or UpperStr( History ) = "Y" ;
{ should also be able to do this via declaration above }
BarNum = BarNumber ;
if SwingHighBar( 1, Price, SwHiStrength, SwHiStrength + 1 ) = SwHiStrength
{ ie, if just confirmed SwHi }
{ push arrays back }
for Value1 = 9 downto 0
SwHiDate[ Value1 + 1 ] = SwHiDate[Value1] ;
SwHiTime[ Value1 + 1 ] = SwHiTime[Value1] ;
SwHiVal[ Value1 + 1 ] = SwHiVal[Value1] ;
end ;
{ read in parameters of new SwHi into 0-elements of arrays }
SwHiDate[0] = Date[SwHiStrength] ;
SwHiTime[0] = Time[SwHiStrength] ;
SwHiVal[0] = Price[SwHiStrength] ;
{ find and save the index of the next-most-recent higher SwHi if it
exists }
for Value2 = 1 to 10
if SwHiVal[Value2] > SwHiVal[0] then
Index = Value2 ;
Value2 = 11 ; { short circuit the looping with 11 instead of 10;
the 11
will become 12 in the final pass }
end ;
end ;
if Value2 = 12 then { ie, if next-most-recent higher SwHi exists }
if DnTLRef >= 0 then { ie, if previous DnTL exists }
if HistoryTF and DnTLBreak = false then
{ if history reqd and most recent DnTL not already truncated
elsewhere, truncate it now }
TL_SetEnd( DnTLRef, Date, Time, TL_GetValue( DnTLRef, Date, Time
) ) ;
TL_SetExtRight( DnTLRef, false ) ;
else if HistoryTF = false then
{ if history not reqd, delete most recent DnTL }
TL_Delete( DnTLRef ) ;
end ;
{ draw new DnTL, reset break flag, save endbar, set
extents/color/alert }
DnTLRef = TL_New( SwHiDate[Index], SwHiTime[Index], SwHiVal[Index],
SwHiDate[0], SwHiTime[0], SwHiVal[0] ) ;
if DnTLBreak = true then
DnTLBreak = false ;
DnTLEndBar = BarNum - SwHiStrength ;
TL_SetExtLeft( DnTLRef, false ) ;
TL_SetExtRight( DnTLRef, true ) ;
if DnTLColorNum <> 99 then
TL_SetColor( DnTLRef, DnTLColorNum ) ;
if AlertTypeCAPS = "ONCLOSE" then
TL_SetAlert( DnTLRef, 2 )
else if AlertTypeCAPS = "INTRABAR" then
TL_SetAlert( DnTLRef, 1 )
TL_SetAlert( DnTLRef, 0 ) ;
end ;
end ;
if SwingLowBar( 1, Price, SwLoStrength, SwLoStrength + 1 ) = SwLoStrength
{ ie, if just confirmed SwLo }
{ push arrays back }
for Value1 = 9 downto 0
SwLoDate[Value1+1] = SwLoDate[Value1] ;
SwLoTime[Value1+1] = SwLoTime[Value1] ;
SwLoVal[Value1+1] = SwLoVal[Value1] ;
end ;
{ read in parameters of new SwLo into 0-elements of arrays }
SwLoDate[0] = Date[SwLoStrength] ;
SwLoTime[0] = Time[SwLoStrength] ;
SwLoVal[0] = Price[SwLoStrength] ;
{ find and save the index of the next-most-recent lower SwLo if it exists
for Value2 = 1 to 10
if SwLoVal[Value2] < SwLoVal[0] then
Index = Value2 ;
Value2 = 11 ;{ short circuit the looping with 11 instead of 10; the
will become 12 in the final pass }
end ;
end ;
if Value2 = 12 then { ie, if next-most-recent lower SwLo exists }
if UpTLRef >= 0 then { ie, if previous UpTL exists }
if HistoryTF and UpTLBreak = false then
{ if history reqd and most recent UpTL not already truncated
elsewhere, truncate it now }
TL_SetEnd( UpTLRef, Date, Time, TL_GetValue( UpTLRef, Date, Time
) ) ;
TL_SetExtRight( UpTLRef, false ) ;
else if HistoryTF = false then
{ if history not reqd, delete most recent UpTL }
TL_Delete( UpTLRef ) ;
end ;
{ draw new UpTL, reset break flag, save endbar, set
extents/color/alert }
UpTLRef = TL_New( SwLoDate[Index], SwLoTime[Index], SwLoVal[Index],
SwLoDate[0], SwLoTime[0], SwLoVal[0] ) ;
if UpTLBreak = true then
UpTLBreak = false ;
UpTLEndBar = BarNum - SwLoStrength ;
TL_SetExtLeft( UpTLRef, false ) ;
TL_SetExtRight( UpTLRef, true ) ;
if UpTLColorNum <> 99 then
TL_SetColor( UpTLRef, UpTLColorNum ) ;
if AlertTypeCAPS = "ONCLOSE" then
TL_SetAlert( UpTLRef, 2 )
else if AlertTypeCAPS = "INTRABAR" then
TL_SetAlert( UpTLRef, 1 )
TL_SetAlert( UpTLRef, 0 ) ;
end ;
end ;
{ if most recent DnTL/UpTL exists AND has not yet been truncated here AND
was drawn
at least BarsPast ago AND was breached BarsPast bars ago THEN truncate it
here and
set break flag }
if DnTLRef >= 0
and DnTLBreak = false
and BarNum > DnTLEndBar + SwHiStrength + BarsPast
and ( Close > TL_GetValue( DnTLRef, Date, Time ) )[BarsPast]
TL_SetEnd( DnTLRef, Date, Time, TL_GetValue( DnTLRef, Date, Time ) ) ;
TL_SetExtRight( DnTLRef, false ) ;
DnTLBreak = true ;
end ;
if UpTLRef >= 0
and UpTLBreak = false
and BarNum > UpTLEndBar + SwLoStrength + BarsPast
and ( Close < TL_GetValue( UpTLRef, Date, Time ) )[BarsPast]
TL_SetEnd( UpTLRef, Date, Time, TL_GetValue( UpTLRef, Date, Time ) ) ;
TL_SetExtRight( UpTLRef, false ) ;
UpTLBreak = true ;
end ;