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Re: Date Functions

PureBytes Links

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... Try this code I just wrote for you,
I can send it to you as an EXE if you like

10 OPEN "e:\input-file-name.txt"  FOR INPUT  AS #1
20 OPEN "e:\output-file-name.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #2
30 LINE INPUT #1, a$: IF a$ = "" THEN 30
40 REM
41 REM we are assuming an input data format of
42 REM YYYYDDMM,rest of data
43 REM we are assuming an output data format of
44 REM YYYYMMDD,rest of data
45 REM
50 output$ = LEFT$(a$, 4) + MID$(a$, 7, 2) + MID$(a$, 5, 2) +
   RIGHT$(a$, (LEN(a$) - 8))
60 PRINT output$: PRINT #2, output$
70 IF EOF(1) THEN 100 ELSE GOTO 30
100 CLOSE 2: CLOSE 1

... It works like this

Input : 20002011,restofdata
Output: 20001120,restofdata



Trey Johnson wrote:

Hello All,
	I'm trying to export data in ascii format and I need the date to
be in YYYYMMDD format. TS2000 has a function to export in YYYYDDMM. Does
anyone know of a simple work around?