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Re: Best fir sine wave

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Hi Alex,
       The comment was a joke, not a jibe. Hope you took it that way. A 
couple of people suggested commercial indicators/functions that may or 
may not have been suitable. I was simply wondering if there was a 
formula for such things, bit like the linear reg stuff. Thank you very 
much for your comments and formula.

You - and a lot of the guys on the list - have been extremely helpful 
many times in many ways and it's very much appreciated.


> >Thanks to everyone who replied. A few suggested smoothing functions 
> but >that's not really what I wanted to do. Anyway, I've been given 
> to >understand that it can be done although possibly not in TS but 
> alas, no one could tell me how to do it - at least not for free... 
> (:-)
> I can give you some advice for free.
> You can often make a curve fit into a linear regression.  For example,
> if you have exponentially rising data that you suspect is of the form
> y=a*exp(mx+b), then you can convert it to a line u=mx+b, where
> u=ln(y).  Then you find the fit for slope (m) and intercept (b), and
> substitute back.
> Similarly, if you suspect your data has the form y = sin(p(x+b)),
> you can invert it as u = px+pb where u=arcsin(y), and solve fo the
> slope p and intercept pb.
> That's my $0.02.
> I wouldn't do it for free either, btw.
> -Alex