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RE: Super Offer on Holy Grail

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Is this also the inventor of the "Ponzi" scheme?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vince Heiker [mailto:tachyonv@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2003 5:16 PM
> To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Super Offer on Holy Grail
> Amazing new discovery by a noted trading guru.
> Yes, friend, Mr. Ponzi Barnum, who turned his
> $128.17 capital investment
> into $2 Billion dollars in just a few short weeks,
> has decided to share his
> automated trading system with the rest of humanity
> out of the pure goodness
> of his heart. His unique secret indicator,
> rollem&returnem (R&R), can lead
> you quickly to the life of riches and excess that,
> as a special person we’ve
> selected, you clearly deserve.
> In fact, in just three short months, you too can own
> And we can prove it!
> Our back tested and optimized results for the NYSE
> for the week of July 14,
> 2003, have been audited and certified by our wholely
> owned subsidiary,
> Auditors-R-Us, to provide a 92,000% PROFIT – in just
> that ONE WEEK.
> You can achieve the same profits with our system in
> that very same week!
> Hard to believe?
> We can prove it with our charts and statistics! Hey,
> with real math and real
> graphics in color even! You can examine our results
> during that same time
> period – we absolutely guarantee the accuracy of
> those results. Phone
> 888-RIPUSOFF and we will rush our information
> packet, COD, for just $29.95.
> All the details are included – charts, statistics,
> equity curves, everything
> excepting the details about this secret system
> itself, of course.
> It gets even better!
> After your purchase and check clear, we will help
> you set up your trading
> account with one of our approved, authorized brokers
> who will trade our
> system for you. Yes, friend, we have already trained
> fully licensed brokers
> to trade our system for you!
> Best of all, to assure your results, these specially
> trained, very friendly,
> referring brokers will time synchronize your account
> with ours, so that
> every trade that WE make, you also make, shortly
> thereafter. What could be
> better and more honest than that? You can put your
> money where ours is! Be
> assured that we take a very close and personal
> interest in every client's
> trading account!
> You don’t even have to do the trading work! No
> trading experience required!
> No expensive seminars to take! No complicated things
> to learn! No books to
> read! No effort at all!
> Let your money work for YOU this time! Why should
> you have to work for your
> money?
> Just send us your check for $7,000 and we’ll take
> care of the rest. As soon
> as your check clears our off shore bank, we will put
> one of our affiliated
> brokerages in touch with you, to handle all the
> details to start your
> trading account with a minimum of fuss and bother.
> And we will FedEx the
> most recent version of our continuously optimized
> system to your doorstep,
> ready for easy installation on your home PC.
> So you can live the live of leisure that you
> obviously deserve, while we do
> all of the work for you.
> Yes, friend, that is correct. You can own the ENTIRE
> UNIVERSE within just
> three short months. And we’ll do all the work for
> you. And in the highly
> unlikely event that anything goes wrong, you can
> blame us, not yourself!
> Avoid all that emotional turmoil that trading
> yourself causes you! Let us do
> it for you! Send us all your capital, sit back and
> forgetaboutit!
> Prefer to trade your own account and suffer all that
> emotional damage? No
> problem! We include the same special time
> synchronization in every one of
> our trading systems! Free! And we monitor your
> trades and unobtrusively
> email immediately the details of each trade to our
> trade analysis computers
> so that we can offer you better support and advice
> in case you have
> questions some day.
> We may even help you by taking the opposite side of
> your trades. so that you
> can be sure of getting really good and fast fills!
> What a deal! With GREAT free support! Still better,
> if you act now, we will
> throw in a free year of continuous updates to this
> remarkable trading
> system, so that it continues to have provably
> phenomenal results as the
> weeks roll past! Think of it! Free updates for a
> year! Making this an even
> more optimized, better system! Amaze and astound
> your friends! Show them the
> money our system could have made for them! If only
> they had been as smart as
> you were to get in early enough on this once in a
> lifetime opportunity! (Ask
> us about our referral rebate offers on the special
> affiliated company's life
> insurance policy premiums, in the event that any of
> your friends buy our
> stuff because you referred them to us!)
> Incredible!
> But still not good enough for you? OK then. As part
> of this special private
> offering, to make this the absolute best offer of
> your entire life, the
> brilliant Mr. Barnum, for a very short time only,
> has agreed to GIVE you a
> 10% discount off list price of his next spectacular
> trading system,
> trOJanhorse, one he is developing right now that
> promises a killing in
> profits for us, proven by back testing with many
> years of carefully selected
> market data!
> Act now! Better hurry! Don't even think about it!
> This offer is limited to a
> few select individuals such as yourself, on a first
> come, first serve basis.
> Barnum, Ponzi and Associates,
> c/o general delivery
> Cayman Islands.
> References and testimonials from people no one has
> ever heard of before or
> since, available upon written notorized request and
> our usual $29.95 COD
> fee.
> (Originally written & posted by Vince Heiker aka
> tachyonv at
> www.tradestationworld.com .)
> ---
> ---
> ---

John Armstrong - Business Development Mngr.
Redwood Trading LLc
160 Pine Street, Ste# 720
San Francisco, CA 94111
ph#: 415-946-3180  cell#: 831-818-9572