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Re: OddBall

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Hello Robert,

Rw> Saw your recent post on omega list about Oddball --- are there
Rw> really still fools out there stupid enuff to trade that free model
Rw> ?

i think there are allot of fools who have paid for systems which do
not perform any where near as good as oddball.

Rw> My own performance summaries run on SP continuous (not SPX), with
Rw> $125 commissions show that your original Oddball only earned like
Rw> $51,000 in last 22 months, while Folster's 11:00 version earned
Rw> like $234,000. Since October your original version only earned
Rw> like 8 grand, while David's 11:00 was a loser.

Rw> BUT, the OddBall drawdowns were horrendous ---if you test more
Rw> honestly using SP-continuous data and $125 comm.

sp continuous data is often flawed.  on a slow hourly system such as
oddball, you should be able to get a trade off in the market which
out performs the historical testing i have done on cash.  as far as
commissions i practically pay nothing at all so that's not a factor.

Rw> My own breadth system (non-optimized) under same SP-continuous
Rw> data and $125 commissions earned like $323,000 in last 22 months
Rw> ----- but still earned like $6,000 since November 11th till
Rw> present (it started to wane about 11-07) ---- all with a MIDD of
Rw> $15,000 over last 5 months.

Rw> Over 22 months I get a MIDD of $37,000.

that's very good

Rw> I have a more complex breadth system that does not perform as well
Rw> in the long run but I trade it now because it performs well in
Rw> SPH3 with this spasmotic market ---- it has pulled about $25,000
Rw> with $21,000 MIDD since 11-07-02.

i agree with your observation of the market being spasmodic.

Rw> However, I can generate performance summmaries (minus inputs) that
Rw> proves all my claims.

yes of course it seems you have moved way "beyond oddball".

Rw> Too bad we'll never see an excel performance summary from you that
Rw> shows you got a better system. Talk is cheap.

i gave away a free system and it works pretty good, i don't know to
many people who do that. i see many wanna be's throwing out trash high
performance crap. it never last, i'm sure you know. it would be real
interesting if you could build and publish an original model based on
something other than a rip off of oddball.  but i'm sure that you will
never ba able to have an original idea as long as your still on the
medication that your physiatrist has prescribed to you.

btw your the only person in the whole world that write me these
letters so it doesn't matter what email address you use. i always know
who you are silly.  but psychotic idiots such as yourself never
understand how stupid you really are.  if i were you i would try and
grow up and take responsibility for your own actions.  but you can't
because your a no body with no brain, you have to ride on the coat
tail of someone else's work because you have no work of your own.

Best regards,
 Mark                            mailto:markbrown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx